Hi everyone, I've got a horrendous sick, diarrhoea and flu bug that needs me to stay in bed but my legs say no way. Has anyone got any ideas to help me ? Thanks
ILL With bug but can't keep still - Restless Legs Syn...
ILL With bug but can't keep still

Have you got any painkillers such as Codeine or Tramadol? However check with your GP for possible interactions with any other meds you may be on x
Hi Pippins2,
No can't do those as I had a hard time coming off them after my back operation last year. My Ropinerol is helping but I have to wait an hour for it to take. Always wondered what it would be like having bad RLS with a horrible illness and now I know. It does give up in the end but this morning was murder as I was too week to get out of bed but it made. Hey ho.
Bless you it’s hard one only relief I get is to walk about keep busy but difficult when I’ll and the bug try what ever to occupy mind that helps love good luck get well soon
Ah thank you. I'm just moving a bit and then back to bed for more rest.
It’s awful isn’t it have you tried magnesium tablets or oil and body butter I use oil and body butter can’t take tablet form as makes me ill due too surgery after cancer it’s helped me
Ah thanks, it's a horrendous bug this one !
On Magnesium tablets thanks and managed keep them down today so that's good. Never tried the oil or body butter is it any good ?
Can you concentrate on sudoku. I find that sometimes helps in middle of night
Yes it’s great if it starts I just spray oil or run magnesium body butter on my legs arms it improves it enough to drop off and sleep for a while not cheap but so worth it Holland and Barrett I get it from
Distraction can be quite helpful if you can muster the energy to get stuck into something very absorbing. For me, I play chess online is very effective and 20 minutes of this will often gives me an hour or two of peaceful sleep. I imagine that computer games would be helpful or even a cross word puzzle. Unfortunately reading doesn't seem to be so effective and - for me at least - neither was television.
Could you manage to get into a bath and soak your legs in warm water. At least you could lay down and just splash your legs x
The bath is a good idea, or try a foot soak with Epsom Salts. When mine are bad I sometimes find a hot shower in winter or a cool one in summer can help me. And I always have the Magnesium Oil spray on hand. Applying it to the soles of my feet helps. Good luck with it, it’s the worst thing ever & I absolutely hate how we can’t rest when sick or injured. It’s so unfair.
I presume that you're not very physically active at the moment, so your body won't be burning up sugar. Try to keep off sweets and sweetened foods, it helps me a lot with my rls.
Heating pads or a hot shower can help
Not much you can do, you should walk around a little bit when you feel upto it. Thats awful when you feel sick and are in bed and the legs are going like the clappers!!