I'll try once more!
I have had what I believe is RLS for many decades, mostly in my legs but occasionally in my arms as well, yet I have never seen a doctor about it nor have I ever taken drugs for it. It occurs mostly at night but may also crop up if/when I am forced to sit still for extended periods of time - theatre performances, airflights, etc.
Because a lot of years ago I found a remedy for it which works, for me, every time and within a matter of, at worst, minutes.
I have several tubular elastic athletic support bandages. As soon as I feel RLS coming on I slip on one of the bandages. If it is in my leg then I put one on so that the top of it comes just under my kneecap and encompasses, and gently squeezes, my upper calf.
If it's in an arm then a different sized one, starting just below my elbow and gently squeezing my forearm.
As I say, it works for me.
I've no idea if it works for anyone else.
I have told many people about it and asked, if they try it, to let me know if it does, or if it does not, work for them.
No-one has ever come back to me.
I would add a picture but it is not a photo and I'm not allowed to 'Paste' it!
It may not work, but it might. To get one bandage to give it a try would cost less than £5.00 from Boots.