Been to doctors this morning re augmentation due to ropinerole and left feeling it was up to mewhat to do . He said if RLS UK say 4mg ok then it must be . Now confused as he said up to me if I reduce the dose. He did agree a blood test for ferritin levels.
Doctors: Been to doctors this morning... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi Ozxy, unfortunately as you are learning Drs are not the keeps of knowledge they purport to be. If you are experiencing augmentation then you need to stop the ropinerole and nothing else will do! You will need to come off slowly and use a different drug like an opiate to help you.
Look for Nick-the-turk on here as he recently came off this drug and is doing good. There have been others on here done it, (I managed it myself although I stopped cold turkey without a back up drug which isn't really advisable.
Arm yourself with knowledge here and go back to the GP and see if (s)he will do the job they are paid to do, (but in a nicer way ).
Pippins2 did a great post on augmentation too:
Hope you get sorted soon. Take care.

Thanks for your comments I did try explaining to, the dr told him about this site and all the comments but he didnt seem interested I will try to cut down ropinerole fingers crossed and try to find nick the turk although not quite sure how to do that . Thanks again will post how I get on.
If you type Nick-the-turk on the search box, that should get you to his page.
Good luck in getting off the ropinerole...It won't be easy but you will feel a lot better once it is out of your system.
Ozxy, it will be extremely hard to cut down the Ropinerole without a back up med to help with the withdrawals. You doctor needs to prescribe a strong pain med to help, most on here have weaned off their dopamine med have taken Tramadol as their backup med. So, take that info back to your doctor and tell him/her it cant be done without a back up med. You need to wean down very slowly., it can take a few weeks.
Drs are very unwilling it seems to put much effort into listening to what their patients say. I've given Drs information only to be told several months later they didn't get round to reading it. Their arrogance can be startling at times.
Some times we have to speak up in a polite way to doctors. so they know we cant just do what they THINK we can do when it comes to these meds Ozxy, you need speak up and tell your doctor you need help to reduce your med and that means a pain med that it cant be done by yourself without a backup med. Maybe he/she will listen to verbal speech rather than having to read the info.

Go to a DIFFERENT doctor you obviously have a turkey. How much does he pay you to experiment on you?
I'm sorry you left with that impression. It's like being thrown into the deep end and you figure out how to get out. I have found wonderful help on this site. You are not alone in this. Best to you. Keep us informed so we can walk with you friend.
I have started by cutting down1mg of ropinerole funny but I got a bad attack in the afternoon had a better nights sleep with just the nighttime dose I think I can cope with that at the moment
Hi Ozxy
I know exactly how you feel, I had augmentation earlier this year, luckily I went armed with information to my GP. GP's now have access to a site which tells them about the medication for RLS also the medication and problems. I had to use codeine to get off Ropinerole. I am also very lucky as my GP referred me to a Nurologist involved very much with RLS patients and sleep studies. I have seen her once but can contact her secretary if I have problems, which I did and will now see her next week instead of July.
Print of information from RLS website and take it to your DR just point out politely that he can't be expected to know everything, but once they realise you have the knowledge they may come round, if they don't, that is due to them not wanting to look ignorant about the condition, also doesn't like patient knowing better than them. good luck you can but co-codamol tablets from the chemist to help, they contain paracetamol 500mgs and 8mgs of codeine.
cheers shakey1952
Thanks for your comments I have taken everything on board will see a different doctor armed with the info I'm doing quite well at the moment have cut out 1mg a day last four days a few bouts in afternoon but coping