Meals out make it difficult to stay on a low oxalate diet. Most dishes have at least one ingredient with oxalate. Was taken out for a Mothering Sunday lunch yesterday and had a dish with a small amount of spinach in it. I didn't think it was enough to cause problems but rls kicked in at 5am ( 4am before clocks changed). Had a very good sleep before that.
Oxolate experiment: Meals out make it... - Restless Legs Syn...
Oxolate experiment

Yes- I find it difficult not to be in control of my eating.
Got to the stage that I dread being invited out for meals.
Am I becoming a miserable old git?
I know what you mean. My late husband was diabetic so that was a challenge too but I would eat anything. I didn't expect to ever be considered a fussy eater
I was in a restaurant a few weeks ago and the only thing on the menu for me was steamed rice. They then came back to tell me the woman at the next table had the last of the rice. They couldn't even find a couple of eggs to fry or a piece of steak
I was reading about the Kemper diet back in the 1940s as I recall. He put diabetics, hypertensives, and a few other chronic conditions on a diet of only rice and fruit and got them off meds -- don't know what they took back then -- and back to normal in a few weeks. I'm too skinny to try it for RLS.
Goodness I am so glad that food doesn't have any effect one way or the other on my RLS. Enjoy my food too much phew!
Pipps x
I have just been going back through some research on ferritin in preparation for visit with Dr tomorrow re blood panel.
One item hit me between the eyes-- "foods high in oxalic acid bind with iron in the body and deplete it"
Would this be a key as to why high oxalic foods cause rls? Due to the iron depletion!!?
Tredlight- where are you? --- still fossicking?
Madlegs are you going to ask doc about tests that will show whether or not you have high ferritin in the face of low iron?
An immediate reaction to oxalates in food will probably not relate to iron so much as its ability to cross the BBB. Then like melatonin and antihistamines it somehow messes with the transmission of dopamine. Somewhere out there is some research pointing to this possibility.
In the long run yes oxalates will bind to minerals, including iron, and can deplete you of these. It's that anti-nutrient idea I discussed in another post. BUT, our bodies produce oxalates (and can over-produce) on it's own especially when too much vitamin c is consumed or possibly when there's too much candida kicking around in our intestines. Inadequate b6, magnesium and vitamin D can lead to excess oxalates in the body.
This is complicated stuff but well worth tinkering with.
What's this about? I'm vegan - vegetarian who juices kale, spinach, beets, celery and more. I drink these greenies 3-4 times a week with celery juice every iron is high Hmmmm
Your ferritin is high but I bet your serum iron is normal to low. Just an educated guess based on the fact that you're vegan right now (thus not getting that readily absorbed heme iron) you have a chronic infection and probably inflammation from surgery all of which causes ferritin to go up but serum iron to go down. And we with RLS, who can't store iron in our brains, really rely on that serum iron.

Hi Tredlight. I think you've muddled me with someone else. I'm not vegan. Oxalates are in a lot of fruit and veg so I'd have nothing left to eat on a low oxalate diet

Thanks. Sounds like good info. What's the best kind for this? Yes my iron serum normal. Vit D high at 60.....
Which kind do you take?
Ferrous bisglycinate by Solgar, 25mg capsule. I'm not a doctor but it might be worth trying it for ONE night especially since you're getting just a little more iron than in a big juicy steak. Empty stomach, one hour before bed. It just helped Bkc :)

Ty...will look for it
And certain things can cause magnesium to be leached out or not absorbed - certain medications, alcohol, estrogen dominance. Magnesium is so good for RLS (unless you are Dic Carlton) that one should look to their magnesium consumption. Maybe enough of it will counter those oxalates.
But also certain types of magnesium are better than others. Magnesium oxide is not well absorbed and can cause drastic diarrhea. Magnesium citrate, taurinate, succinate and a few others are very helpful, well absorbed and easy on your intestines. I am having great success with taking about 600 mg spread thru the day.