Can any tell me if restless legs is classed as a disability ?
Disability : Can any tell me if... - Restless Legs Syn...

No- mainly because it cannot be definitively diagnosed- no test!
Sadly no, as I looked into ssi/sdi cases granted for RLS for my own situation as I have a severe hereditary case, live on no sleep and still have to function to pay the bills. It's horrific. RLS just isn't taken seriously for the most part and viewed by non sufferers (GP's included) as a mild annoyance at best. But no harm in applying. Maybe if enough of us do, and appeal the denials, things will change. Good luck.
Thank you for your reply , it's a shame a lot off people who have it don't understand it especially at my work place 😔🙄
You bet. Regarding the rested population who don't get it, I liken it to this: imagine someone running their fingernails down a chalkboard right next to your head as you attempt to sleep. All night. Every night. And even during the day sometimes to boot. But dont bitch, and kept meeting all your responsibilities in life.