Is anyone having trouble keeping there patches on there skin ,mine keep coming loose so am putting a plaster over ,does anyone have a special spot to stick them ,thanks Beady
How to keep my patches on : Is anyone... - Restless Legs Syn...
How to keep my patches on

Hi yea I have put a bit of white medical tape over mine it works mines on to art of my arm
I have tried all sorts to keep them on, I have now resorted to putting a strip of support bandage over the top, which seems to work for me.
Hi Beady, I use Primapore Dressings 10cm by 8cm which I get on prescription. I usually put the patches on the top of my arms, alternating each day. seems to work.
Hi Beady
Unless I am going swimming I put the patch always on my legs somewhere above the knee. Very rarely it has come off or come loose. I always make sure after applying the patch I cover it with the palm of my hand and apply pressure for at least 30 seconds and also that there is no grease on my legs. Hope you get on well with them Beady
What are the patches do they help rls
Yes they help rls
Use surgical spirits before you put a patch on and never cover them, the best place to put patches on is on the chest as they are nearest to the heart and work quicker and better, hope that this helps.
For my pain i'm on morphine patches and when i emailed the company they said you should never cover any patches because they (the patches) need to breathe and can't if covered by a plaster, so that rule for me goes with all patches, the chest is the quickest route to get into your bloodstream quicker, hope this helps.
Thanks the 6,00patch is now on the chest without plaster will wait and see x
I find if I keep them high on my back they stay on the best for me !
I am using a post-op bandage called TEGADERM. It is see through and. Fits nicely over any size patch. I buy mine through AMAZON.
Can anyone tell me what these patches are called and where I can buy them please?
The patch is called Neupro they are for rls and your doc will supply ,have you got rls
Yes I have Rls had it for years and tried lots of different things that haven't really worked Will mention them to my dr as he as never said anything to me about Neupro patches before .Thankyou 😊
I am going ok on the patch ,like most of us I have had lots of different meds,I think they don't mention them because they are expensive
I tried the Neupro patch several years ago, and didn't have a problem keeping them on. However, when I finally had upped the dosage to a level that relieved all my RLS symptoms, the size of the patch had so much adhesive on it that it made my skin break out almost like hives - red whelps and intense irritation and itching. I understand that the adhesive being used then had been changed due to so many patients complaints like mine. It sounds like they eliminated the irritation, but compromised the efficacy of the adhesive.