my rls is getting really bad, i have vit d injection every 6 weeks, tried magnisium,tonic water, have support socks...nothing works, im flying to usa in oct and last time i spent most of the 11 hours standing up, any more ideas? heard accupuncture can help, cant watch a movie with hubby on an evening, making my life misrible
please help: my rls is getting really... - Restless Legs Syn...
please help

Have you tried a TENS machine? It can help alleviate the pain and for the relatively low price may be worth a try to see if it helps you. Good luck .
Hi,vitamin D won't make any difference and tonic water is for cramp not RLS. Some people find Magnesium helpful but not everyone. Have a seen your doctor to discuss your RLS as there are many treatments available? Do you take any medications for other conditions as many can make RLS much worse. The main culprits are antidepressants, antihistamines and antisckness meds as well as over the counter sleep aids. Have a a family history of RLS? Have you had your Ferrartin iron levels tested? It needs to be over 50 preferably 70 which is much higher than what is considered normal for a non sufferer. If you are able to get some painkiller prescribed (must be opiate based ) eg Codeine /Tramadol then taking that an hour before the plane journey should settle your legs down as they work on the urge to move sensations as well as on pain.....Pipps x
Oh and I have known many try acapuncture but not come across anyone getting long term relief so if you have spare cash it won't harm to try but I doubt very much if it will be of much if any help.I tried it many years ago,I spent many many years trying anything I could think of without success before I went on to meds Now I sleep well 95% of the time ...Pipps x
@cfall I am in the US and I was able to buy a Relaxis Pad. They are not yet available in the UK. Perhaps you could get one her and then have a good trip home. I am completely over the RLS. Legs are just as calm as can be. I am flying to London in June and will take my pad along just in case. For now, I do not need to use it. Contact Carl or Megan. See Claudine
Have you tried an alternating hot/cold shower on your legs before sleep? Some people have success with that. Also topical magnesium might help. I have found relief with a topical magnesium solution mixed with aloe vera, massaging rather vigorously. Legs up the wall, a yoga pose you can Google has been mildly helpful but every bit helps.
I know how difficult this is! Definitely talk to a doc but keep in mind the high side effect profiles of Parkinson meds. I take gabapentin/neurontin and it's a lifesaver but I have to stitch my name in my socks because it affects my memory and at higher doses makes me narcoleptic.
I hear tramadol is good. I can't take it because of a drug interaction. But you should definitely talk to your doc.
tammibakeR have you looked at selenium (UK soil is quite low in selenium) or B12 at all? Have you tried magnesium through epsom salt baths? Also have you tried eliminating ALL sugar and sweeteners from you diet? It might take a more serious elimination diet than just cutting those out but some people have noticed a tremendous improvement from it. You could also try adding spirulina to your diet.
Thank you all I will try them all ,😁
Sorry you are having probs big time,I have just come of Tramodol but it realy was a good one for me ,there realy are a lot of meds for you to try so please go to the doc he's the one to help you ,I know about not being able to watch t v with your partener you just have to keep walking about ,best wishes and good luck
Floorwalker to Tammybaker I had rls all over body 6 years ago was going mad , a biologist suggested I give up all grain products , it worked for 6 years I've been free but now it's coming back maybe I should give up dairy products, I'll try. There is another gain from giving up grain you lose weight. I gave up breakfast cereals , bread, noodles , pizzas ect .I do hydrate myself a lot with powder products.