Call me stupid, but Im not sure how to use this Site. Do we refer to one another under user names or real names or what. I can never work out to whom I am referring to? Some posts appear to refer to me and some dont, and I dont want to 'get in any one's way' (Go easy on me please, I'm 63).
Using this Site: Call me stupid, but Im... - Restless Legs Syn...
Using this Site
Well I would like to be referred to as Sāvakabuddha - the fourth Nobilissimus of Saturn, destroyer of universes but I like you, you can call me dave
I use the user name unless the person signs off with their real name then I use that, (although I can barely remember my own name at times so remembering whose real name belongs to what user name escapes me!).
I take it all is as clear as mud!
raffs, there is no way i will be referring to you as Savakabuddha may the fourth be with you... oops, no wrong fourth. I will stick with raffs.
Elisse you can call me anything you desire, (maybe call me round with a bottle of wine ).
Ooooh, i dont do wine it sets my RLS off... But you have made this pensioner a happy girl this morning.
I figured the wine would be a no-no, don't touch the stuff myself figured I'd just get you drunk
Glad to have put a smile on your face.

Well I am offline for a couple of weeks and just look at you two Elisse and Raffs ,almost dating! Lol x
You can use you user name or your real name, it depends on you. If someone always uses their user name then we always use that when we comment to them. Some people sign off with their real name.
Use you real name or pick an alias but use the same one all the time. I am always Windwalker and I have never posted under any other.
Hi there topdog...I generally refer to people by their user names unless they give their name within the post...and other people can reply to replies within your own thread so they may not be replying directly to your own post...confused ? ...join the`re in the right place !!
Thanks miaperson. I dont know what a thread is (as I said, please go easy on me as although Im not really too stupid, I am 63 and still learning my way around computers. I feel comfortable using my first name - Janet. Hope thats ok.

hi janet, i"am new at this also, i"ll be opening up 69 years of life dec. 21 my wife is the computer user. she found this site for me and said it help sleepless nights. it does. i don"t really know one place from another to post. but i"ll keep trying. thanks to everyone for chatting with me. i"am usa born have a heart for the entire world, God bless oldblue
Hi Janet, a thread means all the comments on the post. This post, has 11 replies, and so is called a thread, like a long piece of cotton. Dont worry, i didnt understand what a thread was when i got my first computer.
Thanks Elisse. Feel a little more educated now! Janet