Spatone: This form of iron sounds... - Restless Legs Syn...

Restless Legs Syndrome

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This form of iron sounds better than regular ferrous sulphate tablets but I don't know if we have it here in US:

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Found it at Walgreens- Thanks for the heads up. May get some myself if it won't break the bank. Prices aren't posted.

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How has your RLS been?

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Oh, comes and goes. I had to troop through a lot of woods yesterday to try to find a missing cow, and it bothered me some last night, but not bad. The inversion table has done wonders for me, and now I'm thinking about getting some of that iron today. Iron/oxygen- it all intrigues me. Gotta give it a try. (After all that walking and coming up empty, the cow came strolling in later; she had obviously had her calf, but she'd put him down somewhere. Haven't seen him yet.)

You have an amazing life. I love cows. Such soulful creatures. So you're a farm girl? Has the inversion table helped your back. I have DDD (degenerative disc disease) but so does the whole world. My doc told me that if you're human your discs are going to start to degenerate at some point in your mid-20s and he feels it shouldn't even be called a disease. Some people will get pain associated with it and some won't. Plus I have "arthritic changes." The most discomfort is first thing in the morning. Do you think an inversion table would help? Well I hope the iron will help your occasional break through RLS. I use Easy Iron which is only available at health food stores or on-line at Amazon. It sounds as though the Spatone is bio-available also. Please keep us posted.

An inversion table might help, but it would be a shame to invest in one of those expensive things just to find out it doesn't. I had a good clue it would help me because I had abused my back for years when it finally just gave out on me one morning- couldn't turn my head, pain from one end to the other. (I was born in the suburbs and married into the country so I've done plenty of things I shouldn't have!) RLS was horrendous for quite awhile, legs and arms. I opted for the chiropractor rather than muscle relaxants and pain killers, and as the adjustments proceeded, the RLS got progressively better, and arm RLS has pretty much disappeared. So I did some online research and found out that chiropractic has helped a lot of people with RLS. Thus my decision to get the inversion table. Since you have lower back issues, a used one could well be worth a shot, and you could always resell the thing if it doesn't help. One point- I had to start using it every evening to do any good. Occasional use did little or nothing for RLS.

It's extremely cold here now, so I went back out to check for new calves early, and found that little guy I was looking for the other day. So cute, and doing well in spite of the extreme cold. Where on earth were they hiding?? I looked and looked, and kicked and kicked that night! Being over 60 years old now, I'm sure my disks are well on the way to degenerated, considering the dumb things I've done in the past. One thing I've found that helps with the pain/inflammation is Blue Emu (Walmart) or even better, Penetrex, but very expensive from amazon.

I use DMSO (dimethylsulfuroxide?) externally. It's actually a wood cleaner and not approved for internal or external use but it's the only thing that works for bone pain. It's probably carcinogenic, but I'm reckless when it comes to my health and don't care. For muscle pain what you mention is excellent. I don't know that I even have a place in my house for an inversion table but if it would actually get rid of the back pain and any chance of RLS I would make the room.

So tonight I ate late and green peppers and got heartburn. Green peppers always do that to me. I popped a Tagamet when the papaya enzymes didn't work. I go to bed and I'm laying there trying to figure out what I ate that gave me RLS. Then I remembered about the Tagamet. Took iron about an hour ago and feel the RLS subsiding so I'm heading for the bed. It's a new iron for me. Called "Ferritin" by Cardiovascular Health. I like it. It tastes better than my other iron pills. If a pill is larger than a tic tac I have to either chew it or dissolve it in water. I have a webbing in the very bottom part of my esophagus where large pieces of food or pills will get stuck. I could easily have my GI doc break the webbing in a matter of minutes and maybe have to repeat every few years but I'm a stubborn know it all. I'll figure out a way to fix it myself, maybe. Nite nite.