I've noticed that more ladies seem to suffer more than men. I Know that it is more common in females but I don't see many posts from the men. Is it because we like to not moan and pretend we don't suffer or am I being weak when I post my problems? After all this is a community so am I in the minority?
RLS in men: I've noticed that more... - Restless Legs Syn...
RLS in men

Hi Blokie, Weak? No way! When I first joined this site you were one of the first people to reply to me, never forgotten it .You caled me Kidda and being a lady of a certain age I was flattered! Lol.We need men like you on here bet there are loads of men who suffer and come on and read the post.Maybe they dont have the confidence to post or they may learn all they need just reading replies.
I think more women probably do suffer more frequently from rlsvthan men in general but also women are generally more used to discussing problems than men.Someone told me at a rls support group they have 20 percent of members who are male.
There are other men come on here and I think its great that you do.You are an asset to the forum and even your name is manly lol
Dont you be thinking youre weak , sensible, helpful, thoughtful.funny and smart yes, Weak ? Never!!
Pipps x

Hi Pipps, many thanks for your very kind words of encouragement, you're always there to listen and boost ones esteem, a pillar of this community. Last night was a bad one, went to bed At 10:30 and woke up at 11:45 with legs all over the place got up and tried to read but no use. Went back to bed at 2::45 and managed a few hours sleep but so tired today. I've got the day off work so taking it easy. Have a good day...Blokie xx.
Ah thanks Blokie we all support one another.Hope you get a better night x
Hi Kim it's me mister nasty Ha Ha I got some pregabilin to day 75 mg seem ok they relax you so had a good sleep and don't feel sick Sweet dreams honey xxx
Hi blokie, I always read the comments but don't post a lot of my own comments. I hope I am not unusual. Pipps comments are always useful. Kind regards
Hi Blokie, i wish more men would post on here. I know we have a few men members. Forums like this and other RLS support groups seem to have the women post the most about their RLS. We women do like to talk. lol We probably find it easier to open up to other people than men do. Men are more likely to hide in their caves and try to "get on with it", I mean how many men go to see their doctors for anything. Its usually the women in their lives who have to give them a little push.

Hi Elisse, thanks for your reply and words of support, i guess we men do seem to hide our feelings away and its not always easy to open up, that's what good about this community,people understand what its like to suffer in silence and are not judgemental. Have a good day.
Don't worry Ellssi mister nasty will do another wind up post soon HA HA
No Mr. Nasty....only Mr. Nice.
I'm a softy really feel a bit spaced out on these pregabilin space me out so will only take one a day xx
Ok, yes, try the one a day for now. Our bodies needs to adjust to new meds and take a while for the side effects to wear off. So, take care while you are on them no driving. !!!
You ok no driving I will have to take them when I get in from work one of them and loranzapam I be zonked out so I won't be able to upset no one Ha Ha What are you doing tonight disco night out
My days of disco's are way over. LOL.
Yes I thought so but you got to have some fun on the site It can't be all doom and gloom there still a life out there for every one xxxx
I like you as MR Nice Erona! I notice you are on pregablin, just wanted to tell you that is one of the meds I am on.I take 75mg at night, I can take 150mg if I am struggling. Is it helping? Pipps x
Hello How you doing Yea I do muck around a bit on here I think some times it can be doom and gloom I got pregabilin 75 mg because Ellssi said try it so I convinced my doctor to give me a prescitsion I took one yesterday wow I was on cloud nine but today was not so bad I just felt relaxed and no sickness I was on Gabapentin 2 years ago and I ripped the door of my van wow they was stong Iv had a lot of help from Yikes/ Karen she has been really good to me Iv been talking to her for ages I got her to come back on the site she knows a lot about RLS as Ellssi does to I know you are ion here at night your awake to late arnt you Are you alone in a single bed like me Yea Iv got my own bed now because I keep my partner awake Iv been on HU befor I left because I had a ding dong with one of the members xxx^•!•^
I am doing ok thanks Erona with my combination of Neupro patch, painkiller and pregablin.Yes sometimes the mood is low but we have all been there at some point with this condition. Yes Yikes and Elisse are very knowledgeable I have learnt alot from the forum.I have a delayed sleep phase patter which means I tendcnot to be able to sleep until the early hours of the morning no matter how tired I am .I could have been awake for a couple oc nights but still eouldnt be able to sleep before 2ish.Once asleep I sleep well if my rls is ok. No I am not alone but when my symptoms are really bad I sometimes drop ofc eventually on the sofa or floor! X
Sleep on the floor no way how do you do that Those patches I had some patches can't remember the name anyway they was morpheme but could not handle them so I stoped them then I got cold turky got for a week
Just a case of where I land! The patches aren't painkillers they are the same sort of med as mirapex and requip but it goes intonyour system 24 hours, I have had the painkiller patches but felt dizzy on them
Don't the pregabilin make you drowsy it does me I think I can only take it at afternoon time as I feel I'm cloud nine nine
No I have a high tolerance only thing I cant take is codeine it makes me feel sick and dizzy, If pregablin makes you feel drowsy I would think its best taken at bedtime to help you sleep?
See your still awake then the clocks go back tonight Yea I will do that But I do take loranzapam for sleep 3 1 mg of them and you die for 4/5 hours
Of course I am awake I never feel tired until late but I am going to try soon
Yea me too goodnight honey x
I'm up 5 am clocks went back hope you got some sleep What part of uk are you in I'm in Essex
Errrr, lets correct what i said to you Erona on the Pregablin. I do believe you asked me whether to ask your doctor for Gabapentin or Pregablin. My answer to you was, i have never tried Pregablin so i cant say whether that would be better for you.
Since finding out about an iron deficiency connection here at this site, I wondered if maybe since women are more prone to anemia than men, maybe that has something to do with it. My brother has dealt with it too over the years.
Hi jmwe29 that could play a part, lots of women get RLS in pregnancy which usually goes away shortly after baby is born . Sadly though for some women it continues and this is the start of chronic RLS.
No there are plenty men here mate it's ladies no more about the disease than men do plus they have more time Some of the women on here are expert in RLS so it's worth keeping in touch with them I do Iv had loads of help and loads of bolo kind too HA HA