I suffer from RLS very bad in a lot of pain don't get no sleep I think Iam losing it is there a cure
RLS: I suffer from RLS very bad in a... - Restless Legs Syn...

Hi welcome to the forum, sorry you are suffering like this lack of sleep is brutal.You say you have pain , do you have the urge to move your legs ? To answer your question no there is no cure for restless legs but there are lots of treatments to help ease the symptoms. Have you tried any medications? ? Kim x
Idont. Think there is a cure just lucky if you get something that helps a bit my legs have just gone so that's it with the sleep for tonight. What meds are you on I have had them all now on codine but make me very sicky but you never give up ,beady 3
Beady did you try half the dose? X
Hi Flowers,
Welcome to the RLS Club. I've been told that our beloved RLS cannot be cured, but there are several forms of relief. Initially I found keeping my legs cool/cold in bed relieved the dreaded sensation that lead to my jerks. Unfortunately this only lasted for 6 months and after that I was put on to one of the tablets that did initially relieve the symptoms. Now I'm on the trail of exploring them, but it is bliss when I realise I have slept for several hours without having to get out of bed and perform my ritual before trying to get back to sleep again. If I can!
Sorry to sound to vague but I'm sure a lot of other RLS members would also say that there's a lot of exploring before we each find something that lasts for a while.
I will say that the internet lead me to something possible forms of help including a mattress cooler which I cannot sleep without, and a GP or doctor can sometimes be of help. Let us know how you get on. Linda
Flowersblue, there is only treatment, no cure. Most doctors will not even acknowledge that RLS is serious enough for investigation. Most Neurologists know about it and will do about whatever you suggest, that is unless they are also sufferers, then they know all about it. The internet is where I got most of my information. You need a thorough work up. Some deficitioncies such as vitimin B12 or Iron can cause it. Treat that and RLS goes away, but true RLS is a genetic flaw that cannot be cured at this time, but the symptons can be treated. Some of the meds I have taken. Maripex, Neurontin, Requip, Methadone and any of the Opiates for immediate temprorary relief. Search and ye shall find.......