I leave it on all night and shower off next morning. Have had nine weeks relief now, just as good as drug I had to come off. PLEASE TRY IT, I can't believe I am the only person who thinks this daft thing works. I sleep so well at the moment, just hope it continues.
Am I the only sufferer of RLS to have... - Restless Legs Syn...
Am I the only sufferer of RLS to have found relief in rubbing Dove liquid soap over lower legs and feet before bed time,

Do it have to be Dove or is any liquid soap ok? I'll try with the one I have this night. How to protect the sheets?

Hi, not sure if any work, the site I found it on said dove, so that is the only one I have tried. it is dry when you get into bed and smells lovely, so no problem with sheets. Hope you get same relief.
Which type of Dove liquid soap is it as I would like to give this a try.
You are going to smell so good..
Hi, just the dove beauty cream hand wash that you get in the dispensers for the bath room, so cheap and last ages. Cost abot £1 - £2. The one I buy is white, not sure if the cream coloured one has the same ingredients. I swear by it, hope you find the same relief.
you mentioned magnesium on another post. I have checked out the list of ingredients in Dove soap in the past and there is no magnesium in Dove as far as I can find. Maybe it is the massaging action? Because I know people who say to use Dove, Dial, Ivory, Irish Spring, it changes every year. Are you on any meds at all now? It would be hard to say it is the soap if you are taking any meds, too. I have never met anyone, except the very rare post in my groups, that has luck with the soap thing. I have an RLSer that is a chemist and his first job was in a soap factory. He has interesting things to say.
and I have tried it, a long time ago, but tried almost every kind of soap just to prove to myself. I do believe in the placebo effect, though.
I also believe in the placebo effect, but wouldn't expect it to last so long, especially as I didn't expect this daft idea to work in the first place. But it has and, so far, so good. If it stops working, I will be back on here to say so. The post I read about it having magnesium in, was where another person had a chemist friend and who said that one of the ingredients in it was otherwise known as magnesium.
I promise that I have a cousin that uses dial soap on the legs
(she lets it dry) and that it ended her leg cramps. I can't
believe that's even possible but she swears by it and now I
know several other's in the family are trying it.. heard back
from her father that it sure does work... Maybe for them, it's
the placebo effect, maybe it's a true discovery. I tried it for
rls.. I sure smelled good but I didn't have much luck and
my legs dried out a whole lot...so I gave up after a week.
I will be trying this as soon as I remember to buy some!!!!!
Yes it smells gorgeous but it's the relief I get that makes me love it. And yes it is drying, but I started to moisturise after morning shower now and that is helping.
I don't doubt you for a minute. I've heard it said about
ivory soap, dial and now dove.. people say that they
have to change the bar of soap if they put it under
the covers next to them but you, my dear, and my cousin
are the only ones that slathers it on your legs all over... =)
I love your spirit of adventure and trial...I did try it as well.
Woolyhat, I`m so happy that you have found something that works for you and to be honest, it doesnt matter a bit whats in it ......if it works for you ....fantastic!!!!!!
will defiantly try this one I have just had 5weeks without RLS it was fantastic don't no why wrote a blog on this web saying so but it as returned with a vengeance

To me it would seem by far the easiest solution, Wollyhat to provide a link here as to which one you are actually using and then people interested can find out the ingredients.
This one?
The first one you see when you go into the above site, that's all I buy. white bottle, blue top
Good idea, i just looked at the link and there are many many different types, probably with a degree of difference in the ingredients in them all.
I would have thought that having liquid soap on your legs would make them sticky. I have found that drinking tonic water when I have symptoms is quite helpful.
I do really think that it is the rubbing on the legs , lika a massage, that can give som release rather than the soap it self.
Tonic water can be ok if you have the secundary type but it does not help if you have the primary type.
Its the quinine in tonic water that is supposed to help, and you would have to probably drink a lot. But quinine is not recommended for RLS, quinine used to be given by doctors many years ago, because they didnt know much about RLS, quinine should only be used for malaria these days.
I just read about putting Dove soap on my restless legs a few days ago on another website and I tried it and it works wonders! I rub a dry bar of Dove soap all over my legs and feet and leave it on and go to sleep. I don't know how it works but it does! So glad I don't have to take pills for this.