The site seems to be slowing my desktop and android down tremendously. Both keep crashing and my phone keeps going loopy. Anyone else having problems?
Tech problem?: The site seems to be... - Restless Legs Syn...
Tech problem?

just using my pc but it seems ok for me
just using my pc but it seems ok for me

Ok ok I heard you the first time!!!!! Ha ha ......anybody else having problems?
Can anyone help???? I am getting a message every time I go from one page to another which says
security warning
do you want to view only the web page that was delivered securely
this website contains content that will not be delivered using a secure HTTPS connection which would compromise the security of the entire site
when i close that i get...
windows internet explorer
stop running this script
a script on this page is causing IE to run slowly
if it continues to run your computer may become unresponsive
its very very slow when i have hu open and i dont know what it all means and it comes up on every page and its driving me potty!!!
Hi there.
Have you reported this to our 'Help' area? That's the best way to get in touch with HU so that we can help you right away.
Can I ask what version of Internet Explorer you're using? If you go to this page and send us a screenshot to we can find out necessary information: