Restless legs .please help i have a shower and want to relax at night or sit down and read a book but i carnt sit down for more then 10 minutes my legs get very aggro and i have to get up and walk around could someone please give me some advice on any way to handle these restless legs.
Donnats: Restless legs .please help i... - Restless Legs Syn...

You need to go to your GP, say you suspect your condition is Restless Legs Syndrome and ask to be given one of the many treatments possible to alleviate it. Best of luck! Tpebop, Kent. Britain.
or try magnesium sulphate - 2 x 3 times a day to dissolve under the tongue and two cocodamol with the last dose of the day. From your health-food shop. Please advise your gp you're taking this. It helped me enormously but sadly it doesn't for all. good luck.
I think that might be my next experiment. I've taken magnesium tablets before with no effect. Do you think this might work better...any info please very welcomed. X X
RE. magnesium phosphate (NOT SULPHATE) apologies. all I can say is that after internet research, days and days with NO sleep with the rls after a back op I found the info on mag phos. I'm rather a scaredy cat about getting into heavy meds so thought I'd try it and it worked immediately. I have recommended it to others but it does not always work. I am one of the lucky ones and many suffer awful nights and days with this life-affecting condition. After a few weeks I left off the mag phos and no recurrence as yet of rls. Worth a try for anyone. I think of all you sufferers and send healing thoughts. keep us posted. from glorious sunny (at last) Cornwall,UK

I am sorry to hear of your problems. You are not alone with all this. Please read the attached link and if you can tell your doctor you have these symptoms which you appear to have, then you can discuss medications which are used for RLS.
I hope you have a sympathetic gp who is in the know about RLS.
Hi Kaarina have you heard of stemcell the reason why stemcell are important because as we get older we get sicker and we need to do something about it read up about it on line and tell me what you think its really works money back guaranteed great for rls
Yes, I have heard and read up a little about stem cells, not for RLS, but for knee problems.
This is another useful link. It may be a good idea to take a copy of this and the other link I suggested to you, to your gp in case he is not that knowledgeable on the subject which many unfortunately are not.
Thanks for your advice will try

I wish you well at your appointment. Please let us know how you go on. Remember knowledge is power. I taught my gp something the other day I asked for a Vit D test for osteoporosis. He said it was not usually done but he would look into it. He called a day later saying that that he had left me a blood test form in reception as it was a test that should be carried out! Yay!
I agree Rest less leg is horrible an my amitriptyline seems to make it go nuts!