I'm ba-aack!!: It's been a while since my... - PSP Association

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I'm ba-aack!!

Kathy profile image
15 Replies

It's been a while since my last blog......


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Kathy profile image
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15 Replies
jillannf6 profile image

hi kathy

so glad you ar back on the bike

keep it up!!

lol jIll


karentwin profile image

Well done Kathy :) Sounds like you are back on track. Thank goodness you didn't suffer any injuries when your bike went haywire. Keep up the good work. I climbed my first mountain a couple of weeks ago, so can totally relate to you. It is such a great feeling when you accomplish a goal you have set for yoursel. All the best

Karen :)

Kathy profile image
Kathy in reply to karentwin

Congrats on your mountain climbing!! Which particular mountain did you climb? Have you got "the bug" now and will you be doing it again?? :-)


karentwin profile image
karentwin in reply to Kathy

Thanks :) I emigrated from the UK to Canada 12 years ago, and climbed one of the local mountains. Actually it's the mountain my husband flies his hang glider from. I have definitely got the bug now, because the views are amazing when you reach the top. I have my sights set on a bigger one, but need way more practise, plus there is too much snow on it at the moment. I couldn't agree with you more, regarding PSP sufferers climb a mountain almsot daily in their battle. My dad has PSP in quite an advanced state, so I am really looking forward to seeing him in a couple of weeks when I go back to the UK. Good luck with your training :)


Kathy profile image
Kathy in reply to karentwin

:-) sounds lovely!

Sorry to hear your Dad has PSP, wishing you both all the best!



peterjones profile image

hi kathy well mate i have'nt climbed any mountains lately and i have not ridden my bike either but for the month of march and april i have reduced my falls to just 2 not a day but for the whole month of march and up to the present day the 8th of april \\ which i think is terrific and what you are doing is more terrificer =============== if there ever was such a word \\ keep up the good work mate

your a champion i will try to get back on my bike again its good for balance !!!!!!!!! good luck to you matey peter jones queensland australia psp sufferer

Kathy profile image
Kathy in reply to peterjones

Hi Peter,

I think living with PSP must be like climbing a mountain every day!

I want to give 3 cheers for you managing NOT to fall over!!!


:-) Hip, hip hooray!!


Kathy x

peterjones profile image
peterjones in reply to Kathy

hi kathy thanks for your words mate it was very nice of you to reply and i spoke to soon mate about managing not to fall over i had my third fall today in the garden when i was cutting down a tree i wish\\\ only joking about the tree mate not about the fall never mind i got up again thats what counts so can i have the three cheers anyway !!!!!!!! take care of yourself thanks very much for you reply good luck with the bike riding champ see yer peter jones queensland australia psp sufferer

jimandsharynp profile image
jimandsharynp in reply to peterjones

Hey Mate, We had reduced our falls for March and until today to zero. This morning Sharyn fell, backwards duh. :) I keep telling her that reverse is broken in her transmission and only first, second, and third, gears are working well. :)


peterjones profile image
peterjones in reply to jimandsharynp

hi jimbo im glad top hear that sharyn has had nil falls for march thats really great

mate have you tried the coconut oil or not bothered about it!!!!! well jim thanks for your message im sure everybody will be 100 % pleased for sharyn and you its a big thing i reckon to try and overcome these things that are thrown at us mate so keep it up who knows whats next in line for sharyn and you to conquer best wishes peter jones queensland australia psp sufferer

jimandsharynp profile image
jimandsharynp in reply to peterjones

Peter, when do you think your PSP reared it's ugly head? What are the symptoms you are dealing with? Which is the worse for you at this time?


peterjones profile image
peterjones in reply to jimandsharynp

hi jimbo hows it going mate and sharyn well i can tell you that in the year 2004 i came back home from holiday in cairns north queensland and i was walking along and suddenly fell over backwards in between two cars consequently i got stuck there my wife called out to a coup-le of blokes who came and pulled me up that i reckon was the start of it then my voice went so i got private speech therapist but that was getting to expensive for us and at this time i was doing a magic and singing act which i had to give away because of voice and balance then i went tp see a neurologist same year in just a short space of time he told me i had motor nuerone to go home and get my affairs in order in other words dont make any long term engagements that motor neurons deadly its worse than psp because you seem to pop off a lot quicker anyway he retired soon after and i went to a lady specialist and stayed with her for a while now dont drop off to sleep jim will you\\\\she told me that i had had a stroke and now i had parkinsonism to cut a long story short jim i saw another specialist a bloke this time and he said you have not got motor neurone and im not sure about the parkinsonism so i went with another speech pathologist this time she said to me i dont think you have motor neurone and arranged for me to,have some tests done at the hospital which should have been done in the first place i was very grateful to her for doing all this for me\\\well i went back to my own dr who told me he knew a specialist a good one so off i goes to this new bloke who ask me to walk up and down and then said to me you have psp what the hell is psp i said he then gave me a brief outline of what it was and said you can look it up on the internet if you like to get the full story he told me that there was no cure for it and no tablets and i thought to myself i might as well stayed with the motor nuerone anyway jim jim jim\ dont nod off yet mate i forgot what you ask me now\\\my\ symptoms are falling backwards and my speech is very very quiet and a bit garbled and my swallowing is getting worse i have a chest infection at present but that will go now the last thing you ask me was what is worse for you at this time well i can honestly say all three of the things i mentioned because of singing magic and aspirating please dont say i have not got motor Neurone jim anyway there is a lot more to it than i have mentioned BUT because my one finger typing is playing up matey so i will end it there i bet your glad you ask me three questions are'nt you jim\\\ i am going in competition with judy

peterjones queensland australia psp sufferer and one fingered typist an all my opologies to all who read this i nearly fell asleep myself

karentwin profile image
karentwin in reply to peterjones

Hi Peter, I just have to tell you that I always enjoy reading your posts and your sense of humour shines through :) you always seem so upbeat about your situation and I take my hat off to you ;) keep putting one foot infront of the other and try and stay vertical !! All the best, Karen x

peterjones profile image
peterjones in reply to karentwin

hi karentwin thank you for your kind words i try and keep positive about the whole business of psp its no good being miserable about something you cannot change is it mate\\\ have a laugh while you can your a long time dead i would rather look at the grass from the top of the ground at present there is to much going on to leave just now \\\\\ so see yer take care of yourself i will try and keep one foot in front of the other its when they are both together i get in trouble though peter jones queensland australia psp sufferer

jillannf6 profile image

hi peter


it is good that you ar joking about this PSP. i try to joke 2 - it is easie rto do it online than in the flesh

lol JIll


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