I have a lot of trouble sleeping. Even though I am very tired, I don't seem to sleep well. Does anyone else with PSP have this problem?..
I have a lot of trouble sleeping. EVEN TH... - PSP Association
I have a lot of trouble sleeping. EVEN THOUGHi MAY BE VERY TIRED I DON'T SEEM TO SLEEP WELL.Does anyone else with PSP have this problem?

hi ;omda
jyes i am burnign the midnight oil at the moment
and do nto sleep v well at all -i have ot go to the loo about 3/4 times a night as well which does not help
i use dot be able to nap in the afternoons but am too restless (due ot the psp ) to eb able to do this anyhmore
so i am afraid it si part of the psp and parkinsons too i gather from the excellent website for that too
lol JIll
Just a suggestion. Check with the neurologist it could be the medications or when the medications are taken (time of day) causing the issue.
Hi Lynda - my dad had this issue - we used amitriptlyine (anti-depressant) at night and it really helped him sleep - he also used small doses of clonazepam to help with the spasms.
Hi Lynda. When my mum first started with the symptoms of PSP the lack of sleep caused great anguish ......we didn't know what was wrong at the time and couldn't understand why she wasn't sleeping. She also became very agitated and restless.......constantly up and down. Her GP reluctantly prescribed Zolpidem but these only gave her a couple of hours sleep. 4 years later her situation regarding sleeping has not changed. So sorry for you as I know how lack of sleep must be affecting you.
Dear Lynda Ellis,
Just looked at your old post - Hence the 'late' response. Sleep , or rather lack of it has been a big factor for my husband with PSP. He has found that electrical noise and movement in his room promotes sleep for him. For example an electric fan on a pedestal (yes - even in winter), a breeze moving the curtains, and the low volume and flickering light of the TV seemed to work the best.
Alana - Western Australia
Dear Lynda,
Me again! Food for thought..........
I had a specialist doctor from another field ask me if mega doses of Melatonin were used by anyone with PSP? Perhaps that is also something worth asking about (My grandmother used to heavily promote it to shiftworkers working underground) to restore some balance of the mind towards being able to switch off and sleep at unusual hours.
Regards, Alana - Western Australia