It was a big shock and the family are still trying to get used to it. Mum has asked me to join her up to the PSP association in Ireland. Does anybody know where they are located and how to join.
My mum was diagnosed with PSP in August 20... - PSP Association
My mum was diagnosed with PSP in August 2011. She was being treated for parkinsons for over four years.

hi alibaba,
hope your keeping well sorry your family are haveing
to go through this illness the psp association in irland
have got there own web page the psp nurse is called
kat haines for that area and if you ring her on this number
00 44 (0) 1995601533 she will be able to help im sure
hope this helps,
Hello Alibaba,
My name is Suzanne from Dublin my father has PSP the past 4 years and was also diagnosed with Parkinsons as not enough is knowing about this horrible disease. There is no PSP association in Ireland it's all throught the UK. PSP UK are a great help to us. The next group support meeting is in Dublin located in a part of the Mater hospital 24th November you can email about this before 10/10/11. If you want or need any more information or need to know anything please ask, take care
Hi Alibaba
My name is Kat Haines and I am the PSP Nurse Specialist that covers the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. My direct dial number is 00441995601533 please feel free to contact me at any time -if I am not at my desk please leave your name and number and I will phone you back usually within 24hrs.
As rightly said by SuzanneK we are holding our next meeting at the Mater Misericordiae Nurse Education Centre on the 24th November so if you feel this is something you would like to attend at this point and you can make it you will be more than welcome. Full details and a map can be obtained from Debra Wheeler at our head quarters phone number 01327 322410.
At the support group this time we are having a short talk and demonstration from a rep from a company that makes food and drink thickeners which help people with swallowing problems. There will be plenty of time for discussions and asking questions and refreshments too so if you feel it is something which might help you we would love to see you there.
When a family get a new diagnosis it often takes a period of time to come to terms with it and to understand the implications. I think it would be a good idea if we could have a chat before the support group meeting so I can answer any immediate questions you may have and offer some practical advice and directions as to where to go next. I will also be able to give you details about joining the PSPA and tell you about the benefits of membership. There is no charge for people with or direct carers of someone with PSP/CBD- we are there to help and support you.