Basil the Ba..... Strapped down
Wheelchair Chest Harness: Basil the Ba... - PSP Association
Wheelchair Chest Harness

🤣 ❤️ XxxX
Basil Brush has PSP?
OMG - I'm gutted.
When the CBD diagnosis came Basil came as a stress reliever (punchbag).
Thank you guys - the photo & Kevin's comment have given me a proper giggle this morning - keep up the good work for the rest of us.
I loved Basil as a kid & had a soft toy version but no idea what happened to it, maybe ended up at the same jumble sale my Mum sent my Dougal puppet to...……(still traumatised)
Better safe than sorry me thinks. Xxx
Lovely made me smile xxxx
Is this a Brit thing? a Ba?? Do they inhabit other countries? He looks so cute! We wouldn't punch him here in Canada! Although he does have a sweet ride over there...
anne g.
Basil is the ba_____ who caused degeneration of the cortex. Daft humour that gave a focus for fustration. Basil Brush is on the internet.
Go Basil- oh sorry he can’t he”s strapped in!!! Made me chuckle - thank you for sharing
Love Tippy