Hi all. I have just joined this site and have been reading through your many posts. I am saddened to see so many people struggling with this condition - and the affect it has on all concerned.
There is so much to say in this post...I'll try and keep it brief and not turn into war and peace.
My dad is in a nursing home, we think he is approx 7-8 years in but was only diagnosed 3 years ago.
He is in a nursing home, but recently seems to have deteriorated. He is losing weight rapidly, and has been unwell (non-specific) on and off since Christmas. Some days he is non-responsive, and others confused but some days quite lucid. He can speak very quietly and speech is somewhat slurred and he struggles to find the right words.
Recently he has been off his food and not drinking much (soft diet, thickened liquids). He looks so thin, he grimaces as if in pain but denies any if you ask him. He is often cold to touch, but can also be clammy and sweating - sometimes he feels cold but mostly says he's ok.
Latest 48 hours he has been drinking well but barely passing urine. Yesterday nurses noticed blood on his lower parts and when tested is urine it was full of blood and other things. They are concerned this could be body breaking down (kidney failure).
I wondered what your experience is with this? No-one seems able to advise us and our experience with healthcare professionals throughout this journey has been poor to say the least.
Anyway...if you read to the end...thanks for sticking with me! Any advice greatly appreciated.