I have just been made aware of the hummingbird sign that can show up on a brain scan. I am fascinated about it I’ve not heard of it before. I don’t know if DC has it, it is coming up to 9 years since his diagnosis. Take care all. Love Tillyhugs xxx
Hummingbird: I have just been made aware of... - PSP Association

Hi, Tillyhugs! The hummingbird shadow was on my sweetheart's MRI when he was first diagnosed in 2011. The neurologist said that although in general she only diagnosed "probable" PSP, in his case she was as certain as possible, based on the MRI, his gait and his memory loss. How is your husband doing now?
Can you explain . I am not aware. Is it in the center of the brain on an MRI.?
Thanks Karyn
My husband also showed the "humming bird" in his MRI. It's in the mid brain. It's a narrowing and elongating (sp?) of a part of the mid brain. looks like a humming bird beak. Can't tell you what that part is called, maybe someone else can.
Hi Tillybugs, good to see you back on Healh Unlocked and very interested in the Hummingbird sign, will look on line and see what comes up - you have started something with this ! ! ! Take care - Jangles xx
P`s MRI scan also showed the `hummingbird`. The neurologist told us that it confirmed PSP in his opinion.
The neurologist saw the Hummingbird pattern on my sister's scan as well. So very sad, that something as beautiful as this little bird, is one of the markers of this horrible disease.