My husband complained of dry eyes - I tryed to get drops in them but he clamps them shut tight!!!!!????!!!!? Sorry if there was a recent post - I haven't figured out how to search just the PSP forum😐
Dry eyes with PSP: My husband complained of... - PSP Association
Dry eyes with PSP

My husband had dry eyes and CBD. Not certain they were related, but he was also fair skinned redhead. He was given Polytears which seemed to help.
If you go to the bottom of this 'page', beneath the other posts, there is a Related posts spot that links to other posts on eyes. That may help your immediate research.
Hope you get a solution! It is instinctive to close the eyes tight! I am having to dose with eyedrops at moment and is hard to keep them open!
Jen xxx
I only see the 'related posts ' After I make a post😕 If I could get to it before - I wouldn'nt need to repeat what has already been disscussed ~ It's OK - there are always new folks and new stories🙂
My "related Posts " is on the right side but I think if you click on it you will find some good info....I'm the one with dry eyes......B was sort of watery as I can remember
There is a preparation that you spray on closed lids, over the counter med, speak to your pharmacist.
I would hold his upper lid open with one thumb while putting the drops in. If he can swallow pills, you might try fish oil capsules. I use them myself, at the ophthalmologist direction, when I have dry eyes. They help amazingly, after a few days of taking them.
It's always good to ask anyway, so everyone can share in the discussion, but for finding old posts, I have a box at the upper right of this page that says "search psp association". Don't you? Peace, ec
I have that box up there today??!!?? My screen may be different from device to device :/ I tried everything a few minutes would allow to get those drops in ~ We ended up laughing too hard to keep trying - He just clamped them shut like a turtle! I couldn't believe how much power an eyelid has!!!!!! lol!
My Barry has had eye problems for about 3 years. Itchy and sore.
Tried everything.
I have an eye mask made of very soft dry ice. I keep it in the freezer and put it on his eyes a few times a day.
Your pharmacy will have it.
Best of luck
Hi i use poly tears on my kathy eyes, but i pull the bottom lid down to get the drops in ,taking care not to touch the eye with the dropper, her body is getting more rigid x Peter
In our case, too, the patient tends to tightly close the eyelids.
There is a spray eye spray that is applied WITH EYES CLOSED.
The eye medicine are called: Optrex. Eye spray. Manufactured by Optima Medical Swiss. Zug. Switzerland.
In our case it works.
Larry complained of teary itchy eyes for years. It is part of the disease. Saw a neuro ophthalmologist for it. He said because of the muscles used by the eyes weren't functioning properly Larry was either not fully closing his eye when blinking or they cracked open during the night as he slept drying the lower part of the cornea out. Was told to use an eye ointment on them. Don't use anything to dry them out it will only make it worse. The eye ointment is 97% petroleum jelly and 3% mineral oil. To be applied as needed to the lower lid of the eye. Plus using hot or cold compresses. Cold for itching, hot for burning sensation.
We find an eye-cup with a saline solution (bausch & Lome ) couple times a day helps ...but her left eye tends to water quite a bit.\, even when we consistently do this . We do have the option and have tried drops but as she blinks with the eye-cup on I think it's more soothing.
good luck ...jeff
I would think a saline solution would dry them out more. It might be immediate relief but long term not so much. Larry still tears even with the treatment just not as much.
Thanks - lots of ideas - lots of strength in an eyelid!!!!