HI all, I'm wondering please, for those of you who have ever had short term live-in care, how did you go about arranging it privately please? Dad is self funding, and we need either a two week stay in a care home, or someone to live in for that time, after mum's cataract operation, as she can't lift AT ALL. So someone needs to be there all the time. We're in Staffs. Thanks x
Live in care: HI all, I'm wondering please... - PSP Association
Live in care

I live in New Zealand so won't be much help for UK! However, when I needed a short term care for my husband while I was away on a walking trip, I was put onto Respite Care. So that may be the way to go. Hope it helps you all get thru! No. Can't do a great for short period after cataract surgery but recovery is usually good.
Jen xxx
Hi. We have just started using Bluebird Care for home visits twice a say. We don't yet have live in care although they do offer it. From their website - they do appear to cover Staffs.
Hope this helps
Thank your for the recommendation - Bluebird have just returned my call and sound great. The fact that they actually rang me back almost made me fall off my chair. Other agencies have ignored me. I didn't have to explain about PSP - for the first time ever! They're sending me some options, so just waiting for those to come through now. Thanks again, and I hope they work out for you too
Hi. I also have Bluebird Care helping to care for my husband. They have been excellent and very open to learning about this illness (CBD in our case). Every member of staff we have dealt with has been of a very good standard. Hope it works out for you. They are not the cheapest but 'you get what you pay for.'
Have you got chc? Remind me please. If not why not? Bless your mum n dad and you, none of this is easy! I think personally if it's live in I'd want a recommendation so I'd be more inclined to go for a nursing home. Equally if your dad is a patient of your local hospice, speak to them for advice x
No we don't have CHC. Despite being incontinent and unable to eat or move unaided, dad didn't even trigger the checklist! He can swallow ok, so apparently is not sufficiently unwell!!!!!! Am going to try again shortly for another assessment. I've just asked for a SAP3 from his neuro nurse, so if that specifies nursing care then they can look out! How is your mum now, and how is your dad doing in his home? Are you coping?
Try asking your local hospice they may be able to help. Xx
1. Your local Council should have a list of care homes in your area.
2. The Quality Care Commission's data base for approved homes is on the Internet.
3. Try Sue Ryder
Thanks for all your input. Live-in care has been quoted at £2360 for two weeks, plus we have to provide all carer's meals. Wow. A private nursing home is £1712. CHC would be sooooo useful right now
Hi we have live in care for Roger when I have respite as he was unsafe in a nursing home, the company who provide his daily care have specific people who do home care, all working well. Chc are happy to fund, bizarrely it is more expensive to have a few days than a week,
Best of Luck!
Julie x