I would be interested to hear if others have used Marie Curie nurses at a late stage of CBD. I have asked my parents' gp to refer them and am really hoping they can help! Any input and experience welcome! Thanks so much
Marie Curie - any use? : I would be... - PSP Association
Marie Curie - any use?
Hi Marie Curie are brilliant for anybody in the final stages. Get you GP to refer you.
Lots of love
Mum used to go there for a few hours every week. They took good care of her, and it gave me a few hours off, but the weeks' respite, towards the end of her life did not go well. They looked at mum through "end of life goggles" and decided her swallow was unsafe therefore refused to feed her. This was dangerous and exacerbated mums decline. Be cautious and ensure that they understand how to treat a PSP patient. Give them comprehensive written instructions. I literally gave them 24hour notes detailing everything imaginable. Food, exercise, tv programmes, interests, hair, skincare, teeth care, toilet visits. EVERYTHING. The sooner you begin hospice visits, the better the chances that they will form a useful relationship with your loved one. Good luck.
We had Marie Curie night sitters for 3 nights each week. A godsend. They would sometimes bake and launder for me. Wonderful help and much appreciated. Peter.
We had Marie Curie night nurses sitting initially once a week but towards end of home care 3 nights a week for over 2 years. Also we got a full day (1000 to 1600) about once a month for last 6 months. The service was excellent and they enabled me to get a bit of sleep in the spare room OK I woke whenever M made a noise but could roll over as I knew the MC nurse was with her.
My suggestion to you is get the GP to refer you ASAP as it usually takes them a couple of months to get you into their resources.
Good luck they were a godsend for us. Tim
Thanks so much for all replies. I will definitely call them!