I give up Could b worse
I give up Could b worse
what will they do to help him? How is he feeling? Remember, It could b worse, I guess...
Just take care of yourself. get some sleep
Oh dear, he doesn't need anything else. I hope he isn't in pain and they are managing to make him comfortable.
You are both in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh Audrey, it never ends does it! This damned PSP certainly loves company!!!!
Hope Don is feeling a bit better, least they should know what to do about Gall Stones!
Lots of love
My husband has Kidney stones a lot. We just had a battle with one last month. While they were doing a CT scan, they also said he had 3 gall stones! We had no idea. They said if they don't bother him...no big deal. Hopefully they never will!!
I hope they are not bothering Don, you don't need this on top of everything else.
Although Drs. have heard of Gall stones!
Poor both of you. Ben had his gall bladder removed a few years ago, he was in excruciating pain caused by gall stones. It will probably be a great relief to him when it is removed but takes a while to recover. Surgeon said although it is keyhole surgery it is still invasive inside the body. Do they intend to operate or try to disperse them? Take care and Good luck to both of you. Xxx
Audrey thinking of you, make sure you look after yourself Yvonne xxxxxxx
Take care of yourself, Audrey, and keep us posted.
He is in congestive heart failure but they still consider him stable.
That's why they call it practicing medicine. Haha If the doctors actually figure it out you're very lucky. Mostly I have found you're really on your own to find specifically what you need or what is wrong and then what to do about it. The doctors can tell you everything it is not, just not what it is. At least this has been my experience. I wish you all the best on your journey and that you are able to find the solutions. you are looking for.
Hi, No gallstones, sludge and polyps. Cannot do surgery, heart ejection rate to low for surgery. Still has pneumonia, might be from swallowing, not sure. Tested him twice yesterday, no one will tell me results. Three Dtrs have signed off.
Lots of love back, going to hospital,