My wife began suffering from pain in her r... - PSP Association

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My wife began suffering from pain in her right leg now her left and her legs buckle when being assisted upright. Is this a usual PSP sympton

G1956 profile image
12 Replies

Ongoing deterioration

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G1956 profile image
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12 Replies
nanonthenet1 profile image

My husband is having difficulty getting up, I have to help him from his chair and this last week I have noticed his legs are weaker and I am wondering if it is the medication that is making him worse, he also has pain in his legs, I'm sure spending so much time sitting can't be good, I try to get him doing 'chair excersise ' it's so very hard to know how to help x

Kolton profile image
Kolton in reply to nanonthenet1

This weakness and losing strength in legs and arms was common for my husband they were just like yu describe the best way to describe it the legs couldn't hold the body weight my husbands weight only about 140 but he had gradually went down from about 170 Closer to the end they needed to be raised with pillows under the knees this seemed to make him more comfy also they hurt We massaged the calf muscles I hope this helps some !!!!

gypsywoman1947 profile image

My husband has pain in left leg and in particular his foot, however recent prescription of 10mg amytripline at night has finally helped but I have noticed legs are weaker and he falls more frequently since the onset of the pain. Diagnosed 2 years ago symptoms over past 3 years. I thought PSP was a painless neuro degenerative illness , seems it is far from it.

cabbagecottage profile image

My husband had been struggling for a while with not being able to stand for long. Epecially if we met a friend and stopped to talk . I would get quite embarrasses because he would suddenly change the subject or walk away . he would keep walking but sort of having to push himself .

he wouldn't walk on the outside of the pavement anymore and would hold my hand .

A stoic man wouldn't give in until one day as we walked him for the doctors surgery , He stopped a few times , I made him sit on a wall but he carried on until his legs were collaing beneath him as of walking in his knees , I called for help and postman happened to to around and he rushed to help me . Another young man came along and they ended up between them carrying him home . He was so embarrassed and grateful . They laid him in his chair . From then on he became worse ,

He kept saying it was his knee pain . Had two knee operations . At the se on op they insisted he stayed In and that I wouldn't be able to manage him .

I did bring him home That was five years ago . The operations were waste of time and pain but you can only do what you think is right at the time .

cabbagecottage profile image
cabbagecottage in reply to cabbagecottage

by the way m he has found Amitriptyline to be helpful . If you get pain in the foot legs ankle when you wake . place a small pillow under knees when you go to bed , We have hospital bed and I always raise the knee part , John doesn't get pain when he wakes anymore

Malm1959 profile image

My mother was the same way about a year or so ago.

LynnO profile image

My husband is the same way. His legs, feet and especially hands always hurt.

now his lower back is giving him a lot of grief. He does have some bulging disc, so I'm sure that is a part of it. Although I think the disc are from sitting for hours at a time. He too, has trouble standing in one place for too long. PSP is not painless.


nanonthenet1 profile image

Thanks all, hubby gets up at silly o'clock because his legs hurt, I'll mention Amitriptyline to doc next visit 😊

cabbagecottage profile image

When sitting try placing a small pillow or roll up a towel under the knees same in bed

cabbagecottage profile image

my recent tip .

I came home after an hour last week to find John flat out in his rise and recline chair .

it threw me to say the least , I never leave the remote when he could advise got lean on it , He can't get out of the chair and he doesn't use the remote ever .

I always left it on overthe back of the chair but he. Felt better for a short while and had started to do some excesses only his arms stretching and such . the remote had pressed against. Cushion and started it off . luckily it hadn't thrown him forward .

he has a cloth chair and I have threaded a large safety pin on the outside of upper arm of chair , now I can hang the remote onto the pin . It's easier for me to find without bending and the lead is not dangling so I won't catch my food and trip .,

nanonthenet1 profile image

Thanks for the tip, will try that, oh, what a fright you must have had finding him like that, my hubby often rearranges all the cushions and throws around himself( from my sofa) it must be so hard trying to stay comfy x

G1956 profile image

Thanks for all your comments. I must ask the question - how long in the progress of PSP does this manifest itself and how long has the patient got to live. I know this is a hard question and it hurts me to ask.

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