Posts - Prostate Cancer And Gay Men | HealthUnlocked

Prostate Cancer And Gay Men

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All posts for January 2022

Fluctuations in PSA tests.

Hisbands psa scores. July 2017 2.6, January 2019 4.5, March 2019 5.8, August 201...

My doc suggested 25 standard radiation treatments followed by brachytherapy. I'm intermediate unfavorable. Anyone done this? Side effects?

EBRT plus seeds?
PingPongGuy profile image

Newly diagnosed. My doctor is recommending SBRT plus 4-6 months of ADT. The ADT scares me. Interested in hearing others' experience.

How was short term ADT for you?
PingPongGuy profile image
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Another setback

Last week I had another PSA test and it recorded 0.57 5 months after salvage rad...
Paulo1968 profile image

PSA rising

I'm 70, husband is 59 together over 30 years. Both diagnosed with postage cancer...

Don't Piss Off Your Friends

"I'm pissed off that I didn't know about your support group when I got diagnosed...
Darryl profile image

Second tumour on mpMRI

Just received my MpMRI results over the phone from my urologist. I stated in pr...
Aussieguy1 profile image

Sling vs. Artificial Sphincter

Met with my urologist this last week and we talked about incontinence and where ...
Skip66 profile image

Hello Again

Hi Gents, I was a member here for a long time and switched to the Advanced Cance...
MJCA profile image

PSA not really dropping

A little frustrated here. Last October I was treated for Prostate Cancer with a ...
Nerka profile image