Here are our guidelines. Please abide.
You may not use Malecare's online support communities for any commercial purpose, such as marketing, promotion or solicitation for profit or non-profit entities and organizations. This includes but is not limited to promoting or posting a company, product, service, person, treatment, therapy, Website, support group, online community, non-profit, charity, or fundraiser; recruiting members to participate in market research, clinical studies, or surveys or similar activities; soliciting donations for charitable causes or yourself; presenting your resume or using Malecare to seek employment; and soliciting or interviewing malpractice clients. Commercial entities are not permitted to sign up or create profiles on Malecare's communities.
This is a prostate cancer support community. Political, religious, and nationalistic expression is a distraction from our purpose and is forbidden. Content should never be abusive, derogatory, or deliberately misleading.
We have zero tolerance for hate speech of any kind, including but not limited to threats of violence against individuals or the community, bigotry, racism, homophobia, threats because of opinions or creed nor will we tolerate the promotion of purveyors of hate speech. Violations of this kind will be reviewed by our team and can result in the removal of posts, replies, and all privileges. In some cases, members may be restricted from posting for a period of time. We will always strive to maintain a safe community for all.