Polls - Prostate Cancer And Gay Men | HealthUnlocked

Prostate Cancer And Gay Men

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Aware of our online community's impact, resources & support—please consider helping sustain & expand our group. https://malecare.org/donate

Get Another Year of Our Gay Men with Prostate Cancer Community. Go To https://malecare.org/donate Donations accepted from all countries.

What kind of health insurance do you currently have? (please respond only if you reside in the United States)

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For a new prostate cancer 12 page booklet, which title do you prefer?

Would you please help keep our prostate cancer community a valuable resource by donating at https://malecare.org/donate We all thank you.

You Can Train YouTube to value prostate cancer videos and help our community's videos reach more men, and raise prostate cancer awareness.

Have you completed the nine-question (5-10 minute) anonymous prostate cancer survey? Please click here: https://bit.ly/3fUZAcu

How often should we email the new Prostate Cancer Newsletter? (Free Subscription Here: https://malecare.org/prostate-cancer-newsletter/ )

Let's see what percentage of us have more than one type of cancer diagnosis

We are considering LiveStreaming talks with Doctors and inviting your live questions. Which platform would you most prefer we use?

If you experienced erectile dysfunction after surgery or radiation and have tried a Vacuum Pump to restore erections. Choose closest answer

Did you ever see blood in your urine? For those who had radiation therapy, at any stage of prostate cancer treatment.

I am diagnosed with one or several of the following, in addition to prostate cancer (multiple choice allowed):

Do we need another Gay Men and Prostate Cancer book?

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