It killed my sex drive, but the cancer remained alive.
Radiotherapy: It killed my sex drive... - Prostate Cancer N...

you can try testosterone. T3a is not fully advanced PCa-radiation may have killed it off. But I"m confused that you say the "cancer stayed alive." How do you know that? I thought your PSA levels were low. T would probably help your heart also. It will make your CBC readings better. Obviously you'll have to go somewhere else to get it but it seems you have a couple of years of low PSA so somebody somewhere will prescribe it. It really just depends on whether you want to do it or not. You can always quit again.
What do you mean about the cancer staying alive. Did you not radiate all the areas?
I would guess the Lupron more so than the RT, even though you’re off it now. How much do you exercise and what kind?
I was on Lupron for 18 months - it effected my heart so I could not walk up stairs.My cardiologist told me for every heart beat it pushes 93% of oxygenated blood through the body. My heArt was only pumping 43% and heart failure is 41%.
Same thing happened with Orgovyx -- stay far away from those ATD drugs if you have any heart problems!
I am going to suggest your lack of sex drive is not related to radiation but to your low T count and heart issues.
Did you have a baseline T taken before beginning the ADT?
Here is my experience which you can use perhaps for comparison. I am almost 80 now. I was 78 when I started ADT and my baseline T was almost 700. After completing my course of ADT my T level has returned to the 700 level.
Other than the PC I have no other medical issues. I attribute my T recovery to my physical activity and diet which includes daily aerobic and resistance training.
You may want to begin some light chair resistance training and walking if you are able to do so.
My wife who is 46 may have something to do with it. Only kidding!
Keep active and maybe it is time to measure your T.
You are very lucky. I exercised like crazy and watched my diet during and for a few months after Orgovyx. I’m 62. My T is still 50 after almost five months and I was told I may be in the unlucky group that doesn’t recover (wasn’t even told this was a possibility beforehand). Am very depressed and angry about it. No longer going to bother watching diet or exercising—it’s pointless for me. I seriously pray when I go to sleep that I don’t wake up.