I’m curious, I have a small spot inside my prostate and had a needle biopsy. They took 17 cores! Poked 17 holes in my prostate for a tiny spot. Does this seem like overkill to you guys??? It does to me. By the way, I was in extreme pain after for a few days. Thanks you guys and god bless! 🙏
biopsy : I’m curious, I have a small... - Prostate Cancer N...

Why would you be OK with only one core?
Ha ha you’re confused. Never said that . I just wanted them to biopsy the cancer spot to see what grade it was. And that’s what they said they were going to do,… NOT poke 17 holes all over my prostate. Uncalled for I say. Bet they get paid for each biopsy. It’s a wonder my prostate survived that but I’m ok. I don’t take Androgel! That the tag this site gave me..😏
No each biopsy represents only 1/10000 of prostate. There is certainly argument over whether we can rely on just MRI fusion ultrasound biopsy or need both MRI fusion and additional random biopsies. You can find experts on both sides of arguments
I've just read your biopsy, gleason 4+3 and waiting for growth starting to grow outside the capsule.Your decision but goes against all recommended treatment.
Your choice but ostrich minded
Call it what you want. They wanted me to get treatment or take it out 3 years ago . Now if I had listened to them I’d be sitting here with leaking urine and not being able to make love to my wife….. well here it is 3 years later and my cancer hasn’t grown ANY! Dude,…, I’m shooting for Quality of life not to live to be 90 yrs old with bad health probably layed up in a rest home. Seems like misery loves company but I refuse to let this get me down and depressed.I’ve had a horrible life of 59 years and met my wife 3 1/2 years ago and for the first time in my life I’m loved and happy. I already have health issues that take away from my quality of life , so put that with all the mess of treatment or removal and my quality of life would be terrible.With all things considered , this is the best choice for ME. Plus, unlike you,… I don’t trust the doctors or our health care system. It’s all geared to make money 💵. I’ve learned this from experience. When my cancer presents a problem I’ll do something about it but not because I was scared into it .
I was a Gleason 8. Did my research and found a world class surgeon with over 2,000 surgeries under his belt. Surgery in 2018 at age 59. No incontinence and I can still make love to my wife. PSA remains <0.02. Quality of health and quality of life. You’re choice but I think you’re playing with fire.
I had to make a rushed choice of surgeon, and I chose poorly. I'm curious who you chose?
I did my research and chose Dr. Thomas Ahlering. World renown surgeon who had done over 2,500 surgeries. People flew in from all over the world for his services. When Mitt Romney found out he had prostate cancer he flew in from Utah to have Dr. Ahlering do his surgery (and he could have gone anywhere). When my urologist informed me I had prostate cancer he also told me he he did prostate removals. I ask d him how many surgeries he did a month and he said 2 a month. I said no thanks. Ahlering does 2 a day! I think Ahlering is semi retired now. My surgery was in 2018.
Please read this:
Once the cancer gets out of the prostate, you are incurable.
They have to take at least 4 cores from mpMRI-identified areas of suspicion, and at least 2 cores from all other areas.
I’m not worried about it getting out of my prostate It’s contained within my prostate and not growing. I’m not going to let this get me down! We’re ALL going to die one day …. From one thing or another. And,… doctors have told me it could sit there and do nothing. And or it could spread. MRI every year is what I’m going to do. I also have bph which I started taking saw palmetto and pumpkin seed oil extract which works very well. Now it’s easy to pee and empty my bladder all the way. Ty
better to err on the side of caution. As for after-pain. I think that’s pretty normal. Consider that you were blessed in not acquiring an infection, one even leading to hospitalization. Not uncommon for biopsy.
My 'just' 3+3 was upgraded to 3+4 on second and third opinions then 4+3 on RP pathology. Turned out mine not only was out of the prostate bed made it all the way to para-aortic lymph nodes. IMhumbleO based on my "was supposed to be easy" experience, really challenging (impossible) to know for sure where it all is; making precise 'watching' challenging (impossible). All the best!
I am 79 with 4+3 prostrate cancer. I had 6 months of ADT plus radiation to prostrate and pelvic area. You have INTERMEDIATE UNFAVORABLE cancer. This requires action.
Your choice either treatment or it will spread. Just that simple!
Oh bull crap. Am I going to listen to YOU or my doctors??? When they say it could sit there and do nothing then that’s what it means to ME. I have a chance, some hope and god is on my side. You’re 79 and worried about prostate cancer?? Man how long do you think you’re going to live? If you haven’t, you need to get right with god because we don’t live much past 80 or so if we are lucky. Your negativity is unwelcome here. You give me 2 choices, treat it or it’s gonna spread. 😡 That’s not what the doctors said. They said it COULD spread but it ALSO could just sit there and do nothing. I know misery loves company but don’t try to drag me down with ya.
You are free to do as you wish. The reality is that pretty much we all do what we think is best for us. There is the Decipher test, if you might be interested in that, or not.
"A genomic test commonly used to assess prostate cancer aggressiveness is called the "Decipher" test, which analyzes the activity of 22 genes within the tumor cells to predict the likelihood of cancer spread (metastasis) and overall aggressiveness of the cancer; essentially providing a more detailed risk assessment beyond traditional factors like Gleason score."
I'm 4+4 with some extraprostatic extension, (3-4mm into pelvic sling). No hot spots otherwise on a PSMA-pet scan. I am on Orgovyx + Abiraterone and I want to see Decipher test results. If non-aggressive, I'm off the two meds at 12 months. I'm good with my plan which is the two meds, limited IMRT followed by Brachytherapy. Three docs said otherwise, but Alicia Morgans of Dana Farber agreed that my plan was better than what was being presented, which was Lupron + IMRT. We did disuss that there is a whole lot of money for a surgeon to remove the prostate, but very, very little money for the Brachytherapist, which is why we don't have many in the USA. In Canada it's different, so I hear.
I agree docs are not to be blindly trusted.
"Reportedly coined by Finley Peter Dunne (1867-1936) and expressed in dialect by his character "Mr. Dooley" in Mr. Dooley's Philosophy (1900), p. 260: "Thrust ivrybody—but cut th' ca-ards.""
Why "Androgel"? Are you using something to stimulate testosterone? Just curious. That would be a bad idea with PCa. Sounds like you need to learn a lot more about PCa. There are many treatments that could help you have a long and wonderful life. Two good sources of information and support: Join a Prostate Cancer support group - there are some good ones on line. Check out resources through well qualified resources such as treatment centers of excellence, including the Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI) which has a help line, and a great online "staging guide" that will help you understand the ups and downs of various treatment options. Be proactive and know that you are not alone.
They took 15 cores from me. the usual 12 and 3 from the identified (mri) 7mm lesion.
17 sounds like a lot, but biopsy needles take samples about 1.2 mm in diameter. If your prostate is say 15 mm across it has a cross section area of about 180 mm2. 17 cores can miss a lot.
What insurance do you have/ There are a lot of relatively non-invasive procures which might be covered
Laser, NanoKnife, Tulsa, Cyberknife