Hey all
I met with my doctor today to discuss my recent biopsy. Originally diagnosed with G3+3 in 2017, then upgraded to 3+4 with less than 5% G4 in Dec 2022. The last 2 MRIs showed about the same, but then the new biopsy from a week ago stated:
Left Base: G3+4. Carcinoma involves 2 out of 2 cores and comprises 40% tissue. Focal tumor infiltrating fat suspicious for extra-prostatic extension. Perineural invasion identified.
I won't lie, I'm panicking a little bit....
Also in this biopsy:
Left Apex: G3+3 / 5%
Left Mid: G3+4 / 50%
Left Mid: G3+4 / 30%
Right Base: focal high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia (pre-cancerous?)
Should I get a 2nd pathology opinion from Johns Hopkins again? Or am I just wasting time at this point?
Should AS be off the table at this point?
Should I move quickly into treatment to stop the spread outside the prostate?
I don't recall my uro mentioning the EPE or PNI in our meeting and he suggested that HIFU was a viable option in my situation. That's confusing to me especially if there's EPE and/or PNI. What am I missing here?
In 2022, Epstein said he wasn't too concerned about the PNI as it didn't exhibit large cribiform morphology. He also stated there was less than 5% G4.
Thanks for any and all input!