I saw some data today that after six months of ADT, the risk of hip fracture increases by 50%. This sounds alarming to me, but I can't find any data on how many men, out of 100, actually break their hip in their lifetime.
If it's 2 out of 100 and ADT increases the risk to 3 it's very different (and minor) then if it's 20 out of 100 and ADT increases it to 30. Anyone know the stats for this?
All I can find online is a rate of 9 per 1,000 person years, but this would mean 9 out of 12 men break their hip since living 80 years would mean 12 men would make up the 1,000 and this sounds awfully high and would make the rate for ADT above 100% which also doesn't make sense.
Anyone know anything about this? Thanks