I started Lupron two months ago and had my first PSA and Testosterone blood level yesterday. I will see my RO next week to discuss the results and whether I can start IGRT. PSA was 6.4 two months ago and was 0.98 yesterday. T was 465 two months ago and was 10 yesterday. I am hopeful that I can get the fiducials placed and start the 51/2 weeks of IGRT. I am wondering if my numbers reflect what one would expect after two months of Lupron? I have done quite well adjusting to the “hot flashes” I have experienced with Lupron and keep a small fan by my lounger that I can flip on when needed. I also have an overhead fan in my bedroom. I haven’t noticed any other SE’s yet. Any thoughts?
Two Months on Lupron: I started Lupron... - Prostate Cancer N...
Two Months on Lupron

Make sure to get plenty of exercise, especially resistance training. Muscle loss and significant fatigue are soon to appear otherwise.
Thanks…….don’t want either one. I have four acres to care for and a huge garden to maintain. I’m pruning trees, Hauling yard debris, stack wood or something very physical most days. I also train Labrador Retrievers for hunt tests which requires a lot of walking. I don’t sit in front of the tv very much. I did join a gym but I haven’t actually started any weight training yet. I never have enjoyed working out with weights. We’ll see how that goes.
The tending of the land and dogs sounds great!
Nevertheless, keep an open mind about lifting, for Lupron is murderous to your strength. What you’re doing is plenty for ‘normal’ life, but quite possibly not for life on Lupron.
Be honest with yourself about whether any muscle loss is significant-intervention sooner than later is critical!
Looks similar to me - PSA 0.16 and T at 24 - which is at a level considered "chemically castrated". Love that phrase :).
Besides lack of libido hot flashes are my only side effect. I also would encourage you to do resistance training. I have a trainer once a week and lift on my own a second day - plus climb, ski, bike. I really have no fatigue and have no lack of energy.
Interestingly I volunteered for a 6 month study on the effects of ADT. I had a baseline and was tested at 3 months and will be at 6 months. All kinds of physical tests including a VO2Max test and a quad muscle biopsy (testing for midochodrial activity) at baseline and 6 months. At the 3 month test I was able to stay longer on the bike for the VO2max test but my oxygen uptake efficiency was down about 7%. Did the same or better on all other physical tests.
Keep active, keep linking up with you social network, have a sense of humor. Sounds like you are on track!
Wanna rake my leave too?
Good Luck, Good Health and Good Humor.
j-o-h-n Sunday 01/23/2022 10:32 PM EST