Hello! My 61 yr old husband recently (8/18) had RP for Gleason 9 (4+5)biopsy report. He had the biopsy because at his yearly physical our doctor didn't like the feel of his prostate, PSA was drawn and was 13.4. So urologist did RP hoping to get it all. Well, that didn't work out quite the way we had hoped. He has:
1. Positive apical and right base margins,
2. Extracapsular extension right posterior base,
3. Positive right and left seminal vesicals.
4. Removed 29 lymph nodes and they were all negative.
So now he will be having radiation once healed. He is taking it well, has a positive outlook, and trusts the doctor (and the second opinions we've gotten are in agreement). I try my best to keep my worries to my self, but as he is the most important person in the world to me, I want him to have the best care! Our doctor is still hoping for curative outcome with the additional radiation.
Does this sound reasonable? Could this still be curative (I don't want false hope). The things I've seen seem to indicate that it is most likely to come back, but I don't know how to tell what the strongest indicator of likely recurrence is, PSA or Gleason? Also he is very fatigued, which I am guessing is normal for 2 weeks out from surgery.
Sorry so long a post, I've appreciated the information I've gleaned from this site and you all!