Hi! I am 59 years old and I underwent prostatectomy last Feb. of 2018. My preoperative gleason score is 6 but the postoperative score based on Pathology report is 3+4 = 7. My first PSA after one month was .13 then after 6 months goes down to .03 then. 04 and last Sept. 2019 was .06. My Doctor told me that the number is insignificant but I am worried why it is progressing?
Worried about my PSA result.. - Prostate Cancer N...
Worried about my PSA result..

The Germans have this proverbial phrase:
" A test is worth the opinions of ten experts"
If you want to know where are you standing at, take monthly test and do some serious number crunching as per a previous post of mine:
Could be some residual benign prostatic glands left behind. Continue testing and wait with the worry until it reaches 0.1 but contact an RO (not the surgeon) if that happens.
Your PSA is still low. Irritations, inflammation etc. can cause PSA to rise. I am not sure I would panic yet. Watch how you exorcise i.e. riding a bicycle.
Funny you should mention riding a bike. Before surgery I was an avid biker, 12 hours a week. 18months post surgery I started riding 45 minutes three time a week at the gym. Do you recommend not riding?
I would recommend not riding for at least 5 days before any PSA test. I ride the elliptical, no pressure on the pelvic floor.
If you had prostatectomy are you then still advised to avoid cycling a couple of days before a PSA test? Normally this rule is only for men who have their prostate.
The irritations to the pelvic floor can still effect PSA.
Thanks, This is new to me. After the removal of the prostate what in the pelvic floor is then capable of producing PSA or other things in the blood that can effect the PSA test by irritations?
Just curious as I do a lot of bicycling after my RP
Any adverse pathology? positive margins? extracapsular extension? If it continues to increase in 3 months, see a radiation oncologist (not a urologist).
Mine varies from .04 to .06 depending which lab does the test I also asked my oncologist about this and he said it is not significant that was 15 years ago, I would listen to your doctor and stop stressing. He did explain something about different labs having this minimum reading difference but can’t remember exactly.
Interesting ty
The lab I use indicates anything less than 0.1 to be undetectable. Maybe go with a different lab? I know that sounds silly but might be good for peace of mind on such a low reading anyway.
I would do other tests, after 2 months and if result varies, do a salvage radiation.