I had HDR brachytherapy one year ago. After treatment, my 3 month PSA test showed a 2.5 and three months later it was 1.7. Now, one year later, it is back up to 2.7. I will have to see it drop back down to make it a “bounce,” which would be a positive:
There doesn’t seem to be a ton of simple info out there on the what are the ranges of lows and highs I should be expecting at this point in the process (it’s hard pulling this info from studies). Especially now that I understand I will need to consider a series of upcoming PSA tests to determine the trend.
So I was hoping that more of you out there could share some details on how much your PSA went up and down, etc.—and when this happened, how long, etc. Where should one expect to be generally at 3 months , 6 months 1 year, 15 months, etc.?
Many thanks to those of you who have replied already!
PSA 5.3-- pre treatment (3 + 3 Gleason in 5 of 12 cores / 3+ 4 Gleason in 2 of 12 cores)
PSA 2.5 -- 3 months post treatment
PSA 1.7 -- 6 months post treatment
PSA 2.7 -- 1 year post treatment