Hi everyone. New to this site and grateful to have found such a knowledgeable community. Can I ask your advice?
My profile: 59 years old, RP at Mayo (Rochester) in December 2017 (one year ago), Gleason 7 (4+3), negative margins but 1 of 13 lymph nodes was positive. Now monitoring things mindfully. PSA’s have been undetectable to date (ultrasensitive PSA’s).
At Mayo follow-up, part of discussion was gameplan for possible recurrence. Further lymph node resection was discussed if future rise in PSA reveals recurrence is limited to other pelvic lymph nodes.
Anyone have experience with this? Any advice? Should I have a precautionary consult with a radiation oncologist should I need them in the future?
Thank you for your thoughtful guidance. Best to everyone this holiday season.