Please finish the sentence, "I wish my doctor told me..." below as a reply.
I wish my doctor told me... - Prostate Cancer N...
I wish my doctor told me...

An option to choose........That lg could manage this with triple blockade hormone therapy and radiation and not just radical prostatectomy.
That I should first start with an MRI and then MRI guided biopsy if needed instead of doing a TRUS biopsy at the outset.
Up front that they knew nothing about who to treat Ductal prostate cancer.
I wish my doc had told me anything. The lack of information from the Docs is most frustrating. I get more answers from here or telephoning a prostate cancer nurse on their helpline than any other way.
My Doctor, 14 Years ago, was very informative. Gave me all the possible options and enough time to make my decision. Radical prostatectomy.
But if the sentence read "if I knew then what I know now" I'd still have the cancer and not suffered through all the many complications I've endured and enjoyed a normal sex life.
This I really believe....., from personal experience and being a facilitator for our local PC Support group as well as an ACS mentor, if the doctor would have told me all the options that were then available for me OTHER than surgery at the time of diagnosis at the age of 52, 23 years ago, I might have tried one of the "easier, less invasive" options, I no doubt would had chosen one of those and would have either died years ago or be alive and suffering WITH cancer in other parts of my body as well as the other terrible side effects of the disease along WITH cancer.
After finding out I had PC, I asked several other Doctors what they would do, and EVERY ONE of them told me to have surgery. Cancer kills, but Prostate cancer can be taken care of IF it is dealt with early enough, especially at a younger age.
Believe me, there are much worse things that can happen other than Impotence and incontinence. They are called severe pain and slow death. Just my opinion.
My doctor dicussed some options. However he is a surgeon and his opinion was the Robotic.
His staff was very professional especially the ED specialist.
It's been one year and I'm just now starting to get some feeling back and can tell the nervers are healing.
I don't know that any doctor can prepare you for what's sucks but you will survive.
I fired my doctor after his recommendation to do emergency surgery. Many options available and more coming. I chose proton therapy.