Hi all - I was diagnosed earlier this year (T1c, G6, PSA4.2, two cores with 5%/20%) and after visiting with MD Anderson urologists, I'll enter their AS program. However, they've been difficult to tie down next steps and schedule my 3T mp MRI guided biopsy (my first was TRUS blinded, 12 cores.) So I'm exploring other facilities that perform a 3T mp MRI guided biopsies and wanted to find out if anyone has done so at the Sperling Center or knows about them or with Dr. Joe Busch in Chattanooga, who another PCa community has recommended. If so, I would appreciate your comments and also if you recommend any other places to get one done in case MDA doesn't respond to me. Thanks for your help.
3T mp MRI Guided Biopsy Recommendations - Prostate Cancer N...
3T mp MRI Guided Biopsy Recommendations

1gtown..., make sure your AS (active surveillance) is done closely by both you and your Doc. Once PC is out of the capsule, it's a whole new ball game.
One other group has more than several folks who have gone to Dr. Busch and the reviews are all positive. I have a prostate MRI scheduled with Dr. Busch in early June so I can only share why I selected him: he is heavily experienced with prostate MRIs, stays current with technology, uses a 3 Tesla MRI system, spends time with his patients to review results, answers any and all questions and is independent of any treatment I may require.
FYI, my MRI in June is a one-year post-FLA (focal laser ablation) follow-up. The FLA procedure ablated 2 lesions in my prostate. If Dr. Busch sees any suspicious areas, I will also get an MRI-guided biopsy.
It seems the tool is widely available. For example, the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland Ohio does what they call 3 MP (Multiparametric) MRI fusion-guided prostate biopsies at their Main Campus. However, as you have experienced with MD Anderson the background characteristics of your case and the insurance you may or may not carry might dictate how quickly they are willing to do one.
Based on your description you are an ideal AS candidate. However, each if us needs to make our own decision as to the best way to go. There is no right or wrong answer, only the one we make for ourself after we fully educate ourself.
Unless there's a good reason, like a rising PSA, you really don't want to rush into another biopsy.
Biopsies themself come with a lot significant risks, including very severe infections that can put you in the hospital.
Did you have a second opinion on your biopsy to confirm the pathology report? This is important and will also help you feel secure in your decision to do AS.