Not sure what's happening this week - might be the awful weather or something but i'm feeling low about everything and also very anxious about 2nd scan on Friday. Last week I was super-excited (still am), and my husband is very supportive etc, generally i have no reason to complain, but sometimes i'm just being paranoid. Lat night i had a bit of a pain in my back and convinced myself something wrong is happening & couln't sleep - pain gone this morning, but in general i worry an awful lot although i know i shouldn't! Anyone else is similar? And what do you do to relax/ convince yourself everything will be fine?? Thanks all x
Feeling a bit low and nervous before ... - Pregnancy and Par...
Feeling a bit low and nervous before the 2nd scan - anyone else..?

Yes I'm the same too scared to be excited yet worried about 12 week scan, terribly if I get there! just very cautious....everyone saying I was the same withmy other kids but don't remember feeling this anxious, can't help but worry about ur precious cargo! Hope everything goes well Fri, baby will look so big grown so much since 12 weeks let us know how u get on xxx

Thanks - this is my first so everything is so new, i wish i could just relax and enjoy it but sometimes just can't! Roll on Friday, hope all is well with the little one xx
I am similar in context of the back-pain but not with respect to excitement. I was really excited for my second scan.
I used to worry a lot earlier - but than what changed my mind was that there are more than 6 billion people in the world and half of them are females and almost all of them would have babies, most of them placed similar to me, would have happy healthy babies who would not only add to the global population but would probably go on to be very happy and responsible human beings - and in all this i am not alone, and my child is also not alone.
Somehow when i started thinking like this, it really got me over with the worry - and now I am concentrating on developing habits - babies can listen when they are in your womb and they respond to your thoughts (atleast mine does - she moves when I am mentally talking to her). So I am listening to good music, introducing my baby to a variety of good books by reading them, being spiritual and making sure i help people where ever I can - because probably my baby is learning too
I would say concentrate on the good things and dont worry - its hard not to - but you are shaping a human being and its in your hands how well you do that
Pregnancy can be a stressful time (understatement). It's also very well documented that mental health issues can become more apparent during this period (it's much easier to suppress issues that relate solely to you, but add in a passenger and the balance shifts).
If you have on going anxiety issues, discuss them with your midwife/GP/obstetrician - everyone gives lots of thought to their physical health but mental health issues are often ignored.
Good luck with your scan - I cried like a baby at mine - such n amazing experience