Hi I was wondering if anyone could help I'm 10 weeks pregnant and today since I've got up everytime I stand up I feel like I'n going to faint my vision goes all blurry and I have to sit back down any ideas?
Dizziness: Hi I was wondering if anyone... - Pregnancy and Par...

Hi hunni, firstly congratulations. Secondly I am 7 weeks and started getting this a few days ago I spoke to my auntie who is a nurse and she suggested I wasn't drinking enough and that I needed to eat more regularly than I was. I was tryin to carry on with 3 meals a day with no snacks which doesn't work when pregnant. Hope you are ok x
I think Sarah could be right, you get a right thirst on around week 10, I have a huge appetite but prefer little & often to keep energy up, I just do what the body asks after all it's working very hard to create and maintain another life! I am in week 11 so not too far ahead of you Congratulations X
Thanks everyone, I went to my doctors today who was useless did no tests and just said that it's normal and will proberley pass! so I will try and drink more and eat more regularly and hopefully that will help. Congratulations to you all to
Yup, it's probably low blood sugar and low blood pressure, both are normal for early pregnancy my midwife told me. As other ladies have said, try to eat & drink more regularly...I keep Go Ahead bars with me and apples and water, all the time, it seems to help.
Sounds like a sign of low blood pressure, I had this just rest plenty and eat regularly. And when you get to stand up just take your time rather than jumping up
hi, I am 13 weeks and I had that too for about a week when I was about 9 weeks, when I woke up I felt like the room was spinning, and yes it was because I wasn't eating or drinking enough , I know u probably feel like you don't want to eat much or drink but try snacking on cereal bars/cereal, I found drinking water so boring (even tho it good for u) but I drank heaps of really weak orange squash and strangely milk, it will get better, just be careful if u feel dizzy make sure u can sit down somewhere or be somewhere where if u do faint u don't hurt urself.
Am 13 weeks with twins and have exactly the same. Often first thing as I get out of bed or any quick movments. BP was normal. I did exactly what Ceribean did, have weak orange squash by my bed side table or sometimes ask my husband to get me a small glass of juice or soya milk. Really helps. Good luck!