Getting tired now..: Hello ladies, I'm... - Pregnancy and Par...

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Getting tired now..

Mango401 profile image
17 Replies

Hello ladies, I'm sorry this is a bit of a down post as I am so totally fed up! I'm now 38+5 weeks pregnant with my little one :) I've been having on and off contractions for over a week but still nothing regular :( ended up in hospital last Friday due to suspected waters leaking, which they ended up keeping me in overnight for as also had high blood pressure and protein in urine. Got out Saturday night but asked to go back on Sunday. Went back Sunday, had a scan and they were happy enough with fluid round little one so was let home and told to keep an eye on my temperature. Kept an eye on temperature this week and it's been fine and I've felt fine although these silly little contractions keep happening.

So then had midwife on Friday morning, my blood pressure was very high, my hands and feet very swollen(haven't had any swelling in pregnancy until now) and again protein in urine. So again they sent me back up to hospital just for the same thing to happen. Got out again this morning. Fair to say I am knackered :/ and I don't know why but I am so emotional when I come away from the hospital with empty arms yet again. I know he will come when he wants to but all this back and forth is such a pain :( our hospital is also over an hours drive away.

So this evening I felt like I was leaking again, didn't soak the pad but was a bit damp. It sounds awful but I'm too scared to phone the hospital and say incase I end up going back up and getting sent home four hours later again! I got an examination last Friday and they were happy with everything in that view. I have the midwife again on Tuesday and I know that if I have protein in urine, high blood pressure and swelling I will be sent back up again!

Urg! These babies are hard work! I just feel so emotionally drained and fed up. I'm so fed up of everyone constantly texting me and asking me what's happening to the point where I'm becoming a hermit!! My friends and family I am finding are so in my face! I don't want to fall out with anyone but I'm seriously getting to the point where I just want to shout back off at them all as they are stressing me out!!

Please come soon little one, mum is getting tired :(

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17 Replies

Ahh the last bit is the hardest and it does take it out of u. I suffered s

with high bp for the last month and I was calm so ended up in hosp alot at end but if ur leaking u shud get checked as u and baby can get infection if not sorted. Tell ur relatives/friends to back off..I put a status on Facebook as it was doing my head in. .I just "if when u fone or tx and its to ask about baby I will ignore u..I will call u when hes here" safe to say no one bothered me for a week or so cz thts the only reason most people got in contact. Just tell people u need space. Hopefully will happen soon.. although the babies dont stop being hard work when they arrive lol xx

Mango401 profile image

I'm the same, high blood pressure but I'm so calm! Just so fed up of everyone saying aswell that he will definitely be here soon with all the signs I'm getting- who knows when he will be here!! And now in driving myself crazy everyday thinking is today going to be the day?! Have checked this morning and haven't leaked any further but may just give them a call later on. I put a status in Facebook and let people know but it hasn't stopped them. I mean I understand being concerned abs excited but they are just in my face about it now to the point in resenting telling them when he's born!! It's even gone as far as one of them telling me she wants to be at the hospital for his birth which is never going to happen!!xx

Ahh hopefully it won't be long..its q weird feeling knowing something so big is going to happen in ur life but u dont hav any control as to when.

Yeh my bp was constantly raised at the end and when I was giving birth. ..the most stressful bp was lower than throughout my pregnancy. I just expected to be sent to b monitored as thts their job I guess and obv is a sign of pre eclampsia which no one wants.

Blimey sounds like u hav very persistent family/friends. ..just say u r having ur partner or whoever is ur birthing partner and u will have visitors at home when ready as trust me the whole experience is so overwhelming and it took me 3 weeks too see family and friends as also my boyfriend had 3 weeks off so I didnt wana spend all the time he was off seeing everyone else I wanted us to hav family time. .Obviously immediate family but just tell people that u will see them when ready and thts that. Xx

Oh bless you. ..I was told at my hosp if u go to triage about the same thing 3 times they have to admit u so if ur concerned go back... so fustrating these last few weeks especially if u don't feel great. .. x

Numbers profile image

I'm no where near you and have this all to come. I have however had people ask to be at the birth already and want it just to be me and my husband. I told people the rules were, unless you were medically needed, if you weren't at the conception, your not allowed at the birth. Shuts people right up in a nice way as there is no come back!

Take care and if worried about stuff, call and speak to someone. Xx

DrFluffy profile image

They discharged you with pre-eclampsia??? Did a doctor see you or just MW? Glad they're happy with the fluid side of things though.

How high was your BP and how much protein was in your wee? Any tummy pain (especially just under your sternum or in the right top corner of your abdomen) any headache or blurred vision or anything unusual with bubbas movements (much more or far fewer), get yourself to mat triage xxxxx

Mango401 profile image
Mango401 in reply to DrFluffy

Well they ran my blood work and said it was fine and then sent me home so I'm guessing I don't have pre eclampsia as they sent me home? My blood pressure was 145/84 and 138/82. Much higher than my booking which I think is why they were concerned again. Protein was + prot, 2+ leuc? Dosent make any sense to me just copying from book! I haven't leaked any more today and highest temperature has been is 37. I've got midwife again tomorrow morning and no doubt il be sent up again if blood pressure is high again!xxxx

in reply to Mango401

that's what my bp was at booking mine went up too 120/100 at end. x

DrFluffy profile image

Hypertension plus proteinuria (protein in your wee) = pre-eclampsia. Blood work isn't needed for diagnosis and only gets bad with severe pre-eclampsia. I was admitted from consultant clinic at 36 weeks with a systolic of 145mmHg and 1 plus protein (but became even worse quite quickly!) and induced at 37 weeks. Problem with pre-eclampsia is it often has no symptoms, so listen to your body carefully xxx

Mango401 profile image
Mango401 in reply to DrFluffy

So it's what's in your urine that tells you if you have it? I'm just so worried il be induced as I don't really want to be, I keep thinking if I'm induced I won't have a natural birth :( their happy with everything going on with baby it's just me being the awkward one :( xxx

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to Mango401

If you have high blood pressure and protein in your urine, you have pre-eclampsia. The protein tells us your blood pressure is affecting your kidney function.

Bloods can go from normal to very abnormal very quickly too (2 hours in my case!). I really don't want to scare you, but there are very real dangers to both you and baby with pre-eclampsia, and I'm staggered that you were sent home. I would have loved a natural birth, but my mum lost a baby at term to untreated (/poorly treated) pre-eclampsia, so I was just glad to get him out safely, and a little bit relieved that my pregnancy was cut short - I was going to be induced at 40 weeks anyway, but those last few weeks would have been hell.

Push for answers tomorrow xx

Mango401 profile image
Mango401 in reply to DrFluffy

Thankyou for giving me a straight answer. This is what I'm annoyed at with the hospital is no one seems to give me straight answers whatsoever! I'm going to really push tomorrow. The midwives are great at the community hospital and always send me up to the main hospital, it's the one at the main hospital who are rubbish at giving me answers!!xxx

DrFluffy profile image
DrFluffy in reply to Mango401

Give em hell! You can always blame the hormones :-p

DrFluffy profile image

If your urine is still positive for protein tomorrow, ask if they intend to send a urinary PCR test off (formal lab quantification of protein content )

Also if the big BP number is above 135 or the little number is above 100 and you have protein, refuse to leave until you've been seen by the registrar x

Mango401 profile image
Mango401 in reply to DrFluffy

Well been to midwife this morning, my blood pressure is 142/76 and their is a trace of protein in my urine. I feel like crap today as well but apparently everything is fine and she couldn't get me out the door quick enough!! Feeling slightly annoyed!xx

in reply to Mango401

did they not say anything about protein....when I had it I had to stay and b monitored for what felt like hours. did u voice ur concerns. x

Mango401 profile image
Mango401 in reply to

Nope! I told her I just wasn't feeling at all well and she just kept saying "the womb is the best place for the baby" like I don't know that! She couldn't get me out the door quick enough!x

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