As I'm counting down the weeks till the big squeeze (8.5 weeks left) I'm considering if I want to put pictures of baby on my facebook, at the moment I'm thinking about putting up only one photo and then keeping precious moments private. It seems like a harmless thing to do, lots of my friends put up pics of their little children and it is nice to see them, and I'm sure I'll want to share the beauty of my little Squiggly but then I worry about any pictures being either downloaded or misused in some way. Once something is online it is virtually impossible to remove it completely. In the future she can put pics up of herself but for now I feel that I must be mindful, am I already being over fussy? I don't want to be. What do you think?
Posting baby pics on social networkin... - Pregnancy and Par...
Posting baby pics on social networking sites
With Facebook you can select that only your friends see the pictures and no one else that you are not friended with. You have a good point but tbh I know I will be non stop showing off my new baby via Facebook but again just friends, I wouldn't post naked pics, just cute ones x
I'll definitely share them, but only with close friends because I think people whom I went to school with 15 years ago do not need to see my baby. My rule is: People I would send a birthday or christmas card (or who bother to send us a card once we announce baby's birth!) are allowed to see baby's pics on FB, everybody else rather not. But I'm also very careful with my own pictures, so maybe I am a little too strict about it...
I think people should always remember not to put up pics of other peoples' children onto Facebook - I was upset when my stepsister put up a photo of my brand new baby and told her to take it down! Bit of an overreaction maybe....x
Ive also been thinking about this,and me and my partner have agreed we dont want any pictures on Facebook when the little one arrives bit this is purely personal choice. I figure anyone who cares enough to want to see is will come and visit or theres always picture messages to people you really care about
It's an interesting consideration isn't it. I have heaps of pictures of me on there but that's my choice and I'm not privvy to the world that effects younger people plus some of the pictures promote my business.
I have had my scan pictures available to only family and close friends on fb. Belly shots are a bit broader but they're not as private as the scan pics to me. Ultimately it's a personal choice. We love our babies, they are adorable and worthy of many photos and the pride and love makes us want to share their beauty so it's understandable but I'm just not quite sure about what my preference will be...
Thanks for sharing your views... food for thought!
I post regular pics as my daughter grows through her first year. My family is all over the world, so without fb we would not see the kids more than a couple of times a year, so fb is a very useful tool for us. I am careful to keep my friends list to actual friends, not just anybody who wants to boost their fb numbers, and this is why I am comfortable with it. I also avoid anything that might embarrass her later... I'll save those for the wedding Powerpoint.
I absolutely will not put any pictures of my baby on line anywhere. I can still see friends of friends posts despite the highest security settings on my account and on theirs, I don't trust that others can't see those pictures and you don't know who is looking.
Friends and family will get emails and my best friend and I have an app called whatapp which shares photos for free on an instant message type thing.
i wouldn't even think about it.
if you want loved ones to have photos of you beautiful baby, get then printed they are onlt cheap now and email privatley your friends and family.
I have the odd photo of my baby on FB. However, for my closest friends and family I set up an online album which can only be accessed by those I give permission to. The album also alerts them when I have put new photos in. That way you are not filling up people's inboxs with massive emails.
Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy.
I have pictures of both my sons (9 and 5) on my fb and baby due in 6 weeks will be no different. All my settings are high so only friends and family have access to them.
As an ex copper i'm very aware of how some may misuse the internet and the content available to them..... HOWEVER..... will you question people, say in a cafe, if they coo over your newborn? Will you keep a blanket over the pram when you're walking down the road? I think you can see where i'm coming from. "People" of that "nature" are sadly everywhere and appear just as any other member of the public does. My advice would be, do what makes you feel secure and your child feel safe, but don't worry too much, as long as you have your eyes on your baby it stands little chance of coming to any real harm. xxxx
good luck x
Facebook can change the rules at any time. They legally own your info. Many people choose to post, most times there is no harm.
I'm thinking about a private password-protected blog to keep family members from afar in touch, but even this has risks as the platform can change the rules at a later date.
The most secure way to share is email. Once you have a list of people you send to its quite straightforward to do. Still, for me I would like to send multimedia updates, with private videos etc. so I'm still looking into this if anyone has advice. We get updates by post from some family members which is nice, but more expensive and time-expensive.
The more and more I think about this the more I want to insist that I actually don't put pictures up of Squiggly on facebook. I take all points on board. There is no immediate dangers as there are indeed settings etc but I just don't feel comfortable with images being on the internet of the most precious person who doesn't yet have a say in where pictures of her goes. I have family all over the globe, I happen to like writing so email is a good option or mailing physical pictures in the good old fashioned snail mail!
I fear my partners potential response and that of his grown up children because I know they will want to post pictures of themselves with their baby sister to show their friends and may not appreciate or agree with my reasons for wanting to do something different. I have to tread very carefully so I don't offend or insinuate there being something wrong in others choosing to post their own baby pics on line. It really is a personal choice.
I would actually prefer if people just visited me. I only want family and very very close friends to own pictures of the baby and then impress upon them that I don't want them online and ask that they respect my decision. Once someone has taken a photograph the photograph is that persons property to do with as they see fit which also irritates me.
Fascinating thing to consider in our technology focused, global internet centred world.
I know there will be a part of me desperate to show the world just how beautiful Squiggly will be but I feel the need to exercise caution with that urge.
Good points. We have family all over the place too and in a lot of circumstances they can't come and visit. I think it's good to be aware of privacy and rights on the internet, especially for the person who can't speak for him/herself. Still, as the events come up, it's a good opportunity to calmly discuss privacy and rights issues: something that isn't done much in schools! What we are currently using in Internet Research Ethics is a series of questions, which is a tool you can maybe use if you want with your other family members. For example: "If a picture you don't like of yourself is taken and shared, is this ok?" "What about if the picture is then taken from the social network and shown somewhere else? Say, on another site with a funny caption, or maybe at a school assembly [that actually happened]. "What if the site is taken down so you have no access and later the image is there on google searches?" [also happened]. Saying all that, I am still considering the blog because I also wonder if I have anything to hide. Hope this helps x
i feel the same i got one picture of each of my children on there, some people put all sorts of different pictures of there children on there without even thinking anything,for me personally its not for me there my children and i dont share my moments on there.x