Hi girls hope all of you are well and looking forward to Christmas with your new little babies or bumps
Just a wee question, my head is melted this week! My wee son is 5 months on Friday, so I'm due back to work on 20th Jan and have 2 weeks holidays so was planning on returning 4th February 2014! However I have decided to leave my place of work and the dentist I was working for put my name forward in her new practice and I was offered the job there, cut in pay and 20 mins extra journey! Anyhoo that isn't my problem, I'm due to start 2nd of Dec nearly 8 weeks early
I'm so set to leave my current job and over the moon at being offered this one but was really looking forward to Christmas with my little man
but don't want to pass up this opportunity in case I don't get another one.. Sorry for rambling on
I work to provide for my wee man, I really want this job but he should be 7months when I return not 5
My question is what would you do?? Thanks xxx