I'm currrently 23 weeks pregnant and have been offer the flu jab and whopping cough jab I'm not very keen on the idea. Are there any women that have refused taking these jabs and if yes what were your reasons to why you don't want to have the jabs?
23 weeks pregnant and have been offer... - Pregnancy and Par...
23 weeks pregnant and have been offer the flu jab and whopping cough jab

I took the flu jab, as having the flu is more harmful to the baby, last year six women died whilst pregnant.
Whooping cough jab I will definatley take this, I my self had whooping cough as a newborn I nearly died and now have damage to my lungs and severe asthma. Again last year there was a massive increase in newborn babies dying from whooping cough.
The reason I so for it, is my family work in the nhs and have directly seen what happens to babies that are not vaccinated.
Totally up to you.
Thank you for your reply Im still having a think about it I'm still not 100% on my decision just as yet I might wait to hear from other women that haven't had it and there reasons why that haven't!
Hi kbj2012
Congratulations. I would advise you to do some research into what chemicals are in the vaccines especially as you have doubts, before you make a decision. I had the flu vaccine last October and exactly 24 hours later I started spotting and by the following day I miscarried at 111/2 weeks. It was only after the miscarriage that I read what is contained in the vaccine and stories from other women who miscarried within days of having the vaccine.
Good luck and all the best with your pregnancy
I didn't want to have the flu jab as every time I've had it I've been really poorly. But I was persuaded into it and have had no colds or flu symptoms at all this winter, despite nearly everyone around me coming down with some kind of flu. Having had food poisoning followed by a cold early on in mt pregnancy, I would say that if there is anything you can do to avoid becoming poorly yourself, do it. Coping with the strain of pregnancy plus an illness is too much and meant I couldn't enjoy being pregnant until I was about 18 weeks.
There is a risk of miscarriage with the vaccines but it is small. I am happier knowing that I am healthier so my baby is healthier having had the vaccines.
I would have a chat with your gp/midwife or have a look on the NHS Direct website to check the vacs out. I had the flu jab last october and was perfectly fine but everyone is different I have been offered the whooping cough vac I am in the middel of deciding if i should are not as there has been mixed reviews with this vaccine.
I was unsure about jabs, but I had it at about 12 weeks. Everyone around me got flu and dehydration can have bad consequences for baby.
The vac is the inactive version and is safe for you both. The worst you may get is a sore arm!
Whooping cough offered after 28 weeks. After the recent outbreaks in the uk I will be having this. It immunizes baby from inside the womb and continues to protect baby after birth.
Off cause this is personal choice, but to me I couldn't bear thought of baby catching it.
Take care
I had the flu jab and didn't think twice about it really. I tend to have it due to asthma that I have. I'll be honest in that I was concerned about any impact on baby but she's been fine. The whooping cough hasn't been suggested to me yet and I'm nervous about it only because I've not had experience of it and I'm nervous about any contra-indications. I'm likely to have it as I would worry to much if baby got it. If anything I'm more likely to delay having the whooping cough jab for as long as possible. I know that you can have it from weeks 28 - 38 (unless I'm mistaken) so I'll likely go for it during week 36. It's very much a personal choice and hope that your research leads you to the best decision for you and your baby!
Good luck!
I had both Flu at 24 weeks and whoopping cough at 28 weeks - mainly because the flu is worse in pregnancy and I couldnt bare to see my child suffer from something that i could have prevented.
I read up on the whooping cough jab and it contains the same medication as they give your child anyway so I saw that there was no harm in doing this. I have also heard of sad stories that people have miscarried/still birth soon after the whooping cough jab but there are not directly related. I would like to think that the NHS would not put expectant mothers at risk advising them to have a jab that would harm the baby.
Ultimatly it is your choice and you are not forced into having any of the jabs if you do not want.
Take care x
I had the flu jab in early at about 22 weeks. Then I watched as people around me were struck down with flu and colds and I never got more than a sniffle! I have my whooping cough next week. My view is that midwives wouldn't recommend it if it wasn't safe for babies!
I had my flu jab at work (I work in a hospital) before I knew I was pregnant.I was fine and have had no colds at all this year.
I have been offered the whooping cough vaccine at 28 weeks and will be having it. It is such an awful thing and after the increase there has been I think it's a sensible precaution to take.
If you are still unsure then speak to your gp/midwife
Thank you everybody for your replys
I had the flu jab at 6 weeks, sore arm but nothing more. Im now 8 weeks and feeling fine. I figure if it prevents me from getting seriously ill while pregnant, it's got to be a good thing. I will be having the whooping cough jab too, again, if it can prevent me or my baby from becoming very ill (or worse), I'll take it. I actually had whooping cough last year, catching it from my aunt, it was horrible! Non stop coughing, to the point of almost being sick. Ended up with pleurisy and then sprained all my rib muscles on my left side from coughing so hard and so much. It was so painful to breath, move, talk, anything. I can't imagine how a little baby would deal with it...