not sure if im pregnant still or if i have had a miscarage. i took a pregancy test on saturday morning and it was possitive it said 1-2 weeks which means 3-4 week..counting back as nhs work it out i was 5 weeks on saturday. later that morning i started to spot this was brown blood so wasnt worried a few hours later it changed to fresh red blood. i was bleeding for 2 days but not lots and i still have cramps now although my bleeding has finished. i saw my doctor on monday he was quite sure i had miscaraged with what i could tell him and said i needed to do a pregnancy test in a couple of week to be sure. i no after spending lots of time going though the internet this may not be the case have havent passed any clots should i be taking folic acid still just incase or do i asume ive lost the baby. im really unsure i have no pregnancy simptoms but i had none before besides the one day i couldnt eat any fo the food we cooked as the smell just put me off (this was a big issue with my last child)
can anyone help me im left in limbo now not knowing what to do for the best.