im 26 weeks pregnant and seem to have... - Pregnancy and Par...
im 26 weeks pregnant and seem to have lost a bit of mucus plug but it was green is that colour normal x
Go and see your midwife, if your cervix is opening then it could be a sign of premature labour.
Sounds more like you might have a bit of a vaginal bacterial infection. Very common in pregnancy when the vagina is less acidic and less able to fight off bacteria or yeast (thrush). Ask either your m/w, or your gp for a swab to see if you need a course of anti-biotics.
I aguee with comment above sounds more like infection or discharge not your plug. Your plug is normally blood stained and there is a lot, your know the day you have it..
you can lose bits of the mucous plug throughout the pregnancy, it is not anything to really worry about if it is small amounts of it, as the plug repairs my second pregnancy i was losing bits of plug daily from 30 weeks pregnant, the midwives said it was fine and not to worry and my baby was born 2 days past her due date. the plug will only be blood stained if it is right by the cervix and is usually the part you lose right before or during labour...if you do get blood stained mucous, then see a doctor immediately for advice
Hiya. I'm having the same thing too. I'm nearly 25 weeks. I'm seeing the midwife today. So will ask her. I have no bad smell or itch so I'm guessing mines normal. Will let you know how I get on
good luck x