Hey girls, I’m 10 weeks 5 days. I’m just wondering has anyone else experienced loss of symptoms at this stage? I was so sick at the start, boking and exhausted. I had a scan at 9 weeks 1day and baby was great heart bpm 171 but this past week I feel like I have lost my symptoms I’m not sick, feeling sick and don’t really feel tired anymore. I’m so worried & my 12 week scan isn’t to next Wednesday 😩😩 x
loss of symptoms 10weeks: Hey girls, I... - Pregnancy and Par...
loss of symptoms 10weeks

Yes, I think I was approx 8 wks when my symptoms started to ebb & flow - as worrying as it is, it’s normal. Some days I didn’t have any symptoms at all & others I’d feel like I’d been hit by a bus. It’s so hard not to over analyse, I had private scans every week-fortnight until I was 20 wks pregnant just to help with the anxiety (expensive & not really ideal) wishing you a healthy pregnancy, after your 12 week scan you will feel more at ease x
I was exactly the same as Katie. Everything was fine and I have a healthy son.
Hi, I'm 10 weeks today and had no symptoms end of last week and all weekend then yesterday and today feels like I've been hit by a bus! Exhausted, not sleeping, nauseous and sore boobs! The works! So think it ebbs and flows
It is very common for pregnancy symptoms to come and go in the first trimester!