I feel sick around 4.5_5weeks but around week six my symptoms all gone. The only thing I feel is fatigue and back pain. Is this normal? Please help I'm so worried.
My pregnancy symptoms stops at 6 weeks - Pregnancy and Par...
My pregnancy symptoms stops at 6 weeks

Your symptoms will come and go. It's perfectly normal. You'll probably find they're back by week 7 with a whole lot more!!
As long as you have no bleeding or severe cramping, try not to worry.
I had barely any symtoms with this pregnancy and was worried it wasn't real. Then I think since week 8 I've just had constant nausea and it's the worst so enjoy the symtomlessness while it lasts
Thank u I'm so worried because last time I miscarried at 11 weeks while the baby measures 9 weeks
Sorry to hear that. Of course that's going to cause you to worry more. Try not to.
Wishing you a healthy 9 months!
It is normal that symptoms can go and come back. If anything would happen so early you would most likely start bleeding so it all is ok that’s a good sign. As I know from experience how anxious you must feel I would recommend to go for privite reassurance scan, over 6 weeks they can confirm thy pregnancy is located in the right place and sometimes confirm heartbeat.
Hi Prettiest,
So sorry to hear about your past mc, I can't imagine what that must have been like.
Regarding your question, the same thing happened to me. At 4.5 weeks I was very bloated and I felt lots of stuff going on in my belly every evening (probably just because I was so bloated!) Those symptoms somehow reassured me that stuff was happening in my body because I was pregnant, or that's what I read into it. From week 6 also nothing, no symptoms and I had the same exact worry: does that mean that nothing is happening anymore? I went for a private early scan last week and everything was going well. There is a baby in there and it has a strong heart beat so not having symptoms is just a blessing, it doesn't mean anything. I'm 8 weeks pregnant now and the only symptom I have is that my breasts are really sore, nothing else.
I also worry a lot, and I highly recommend to go for an early scan if you can so you have peace of mind, at least temporarily.
I wish you all the best with your pregnancy.
Thank you guys. I will have scan after 3 days. I hope everything will be fine.
Thank u all for your support .these 3 days are the longest days ever, I was praying to God to make every thing fine. Long story short, there is a strong heart beat and measuring exactly 7w and 2days.
Sorry for the MC... must be always on your mind, but try to think positive!
I am 17w pregnant & still terrible morning sickness 😭 I wish my symptoms would go away!!!