I am currently 10 weeks and 6 days pregnant and had nausea since I we're 5 weeks but when I was 10 weeks and 3days the nausea stopped and I have started with a cold. I am worried as I had a misscarriage in Dec 15 at what I thought was 10 weeks but the baby had died 3 weeks earlier. I haven't had any cramping or bleeding like last time but I am really worried that something might have happened. I have read that the placenta starts to take over at 10 weeks and I also read on the bounty website that fatigue and nausea can ease at10 weeks. I have three other children but can't for the life of me remember how long nausea lasted with them. I just seem to be paranoid after what happened last time
10weeks and 6days with loss of sympto... - Pregnancy and Par...
10weeks and 6days with loss of symptoms :/

Hi this happened to me at 10 weeks. Nausea exhaustion sore boobs. Just stopped. Couple of times a day I had to remind myself I was preggo. Then I had a dizzy locum midwife who tried to pick up at Doppler heartbeat at 10 weeks and couldn't find a thing. So then I was convinced it was over. Had a scan at 13 weeks and saw our baby waving and kicking and having a ball. Don't worry. We lost a baby at 8 weeks so I was ultra paranoid too. Try and relax xxx
I got really panicked when my sore boobs suddenly stopped as that was my main symptom early pregnancy, but symptoms come and go. Try to not worry (easier said than done) x
I had a private scan at 10 weeks for the exact same reason, all sickness seemed to stop overnight. It's my first pregnancy through IVF so I think I'm overly anxious but it was so lovely to see my little one wiggling around on the scan. I'm sure everything is fine but it is hard not to worry xx
I'm not surprised that you are feeling this way it's understandable. Maybe visit your gp you wouldn't be wasting anyone's time and I think it will be better for you. I had a similar experience regarding sickness and came down with two colds while pregnant. Think a lot of us over think things when we're pregnant. Good luck ☺
Thanks for the replys I have a scan on Thursday and nausea seems to have returned so fingers crossed everything is ok